The afternoon children had such fun with their camp fire that we offered the morning children the opportunity to make one too. They worked so well together searching the Nursery garden for broken wood, twigs and leaves to add to the pile ready for burning and they too enjoyed gathering round their fire for a chat. We listened carefully for the crackling noises and watched while the wind blew the smoke and helped the fire to burn. Well done boys and girls for being very sensible around the fire.
Tag: Effective Contributors
Snowmen Everywhere
Lots of snowmen have been appearing in the art area of Nursery lately and it’s great to see the wide variety of ideas the children can produce to create their snowmen. Paint, cotton wool, material, glitter, twigs – anything they can find to experiment with has been put to different uses to create some wonderful individual works of art. Look out for lots of snowmen appearing in the school corridor and around Nursery soon.
If you click then click again on the photos, you should be able to read the names on each piece of work.
Primary 6 Visitors
Recently there have been some very welcome visitors coming to play with the Nursery children on Tuesdays. Primary 6 has been coming in small groups to play with the younger children to build relationships and act as good role models. I think you can see from the photos that this is working out very well and we are delighted to have such helpful visitors who are acting as responsible citizens and effective contributors.
If you are in Primary 6 please bring back your permission slip, if you have not already done so, so that we can use more photos of you on the blog. Thank you for being great helpers – the Nursery children are enjoying your visits.
Annan Lights Santa Dash
The annual Santa Dash will take place on Sunday 6th December at 1.30pm at the Everholm running track. Any local organisation is invited to take part to raise funds for their own cause. All we need to do is register, raise sponsorship and get as many kids and families to take part from Hecklegirth School. You can walk it, jog it, run it or cycle- distances to suit all abilities so everyone is welcome. Whatever we raise we keep so let’s get together and make a difference!
If any Nursery parents would like to take part please see Mrs Alexander, Mrs Hamilton or any of the Nursery staff who can get you a sponsor sheet. Money raised will be used towards our new Mastery of Maths resources for the primary and numeracy and outdoor learning games for Nursery to help raise attainment for all!
Children In Need Thanks
Thank you to all those who contributed to our Children in Need non-uniform day on Friday. It was great to see such a variety of outfits and the children seemed excited to be dressed differently. We are delighted to say that Nursery raised £45 as part of a grand total of £251 raised by Hecklegirth School so thank you very much to everyone who contributed.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Children in Need
Garden Teamwork
It’s that time of year when we need to clear our gardens and prepare for the winter ahead. Earlier this week a very busy little group of gardeners worked hard to empty the old soil from our raised bed to add into the digging and mud kitchen area of the Nursery garden. Great teamwork was in evidence and the children loved doing such an important job. Well done all those super helpers who joined in.
Pumpkin Carving
We hope that you are all getting your pumpkins carved and decorated for the competition. We have noticed one or two arriving in school and tomorrow is the last day to enter your pumpkin as they will be judged at 9.00 on Thursday 29th October.In the past we have had some super examples from Nursery so it would be great if lots of children took part again.
Parachute Play
The last day of term was one of beautiful Autumn sunshine so it was the perfect opportunity for some parachute games. The children showed good listening skills and great teamwork to ensure lots of fun was had by everyone. I wonder if we will have any more sunny days like this next week when we return to Nursery?
Super Contribution
Last week’s award winners were presented with their certificates by Rev. McGougan at our Harvest celebration so we decided that they should be given to children who had made a super effort to contribute to our singing practices. We hope that they were especially proud to receive their awards in front of a big audience. Well done all of you for your great contribution.