Please remember that tomorrow (March 22nd) is the day to bring your decorated boiled eggs to school for the competition. Entries should be with us by the end of the day so that they can be displayed in the school foyer. A few early entries are already on display so we look forward to seeing your ideas.
Tag: Effective Contributors
“That’s Not My Teddy”
Primary 2 has been very busy lately, writing their own version of the story “That’s Not My Teddy”. Not only was each child an author but an illustrator too, as they designed their own teddy characters in their stories. The final books looked wonderful and Primary 2 children kindly visited us one afternoon recently to read their stories to Nursery children. Well done all the boys and girls from Primary 2. We think that you are super authors and illustrators and the Nursery children thoroughly enjoyed your visit.
Song and Dance
You just never know what great ideas the children will have in a Nursery day. Here are some lovely photos of the day the children in the Sunshine Room decided to stage a concert. They worked well together to organise themselves into performers and audience, taking turns and discussing what songs they would perform. Some used instruments and some added a dance to their act but all had great fun, showing confidence in their performance and appreciation of others in their concert. Well done everyone who took part – you were a great team.
National Improvement Framework in a Nutshell
I have recently added a new document from “The National Parent Forum of Scotland” under “Useful Reading” on the right. This useful article summarises the “National Improvement Framework” and shares information for better learning. We hope that you find it useful.
Burns Celebration
We may have been one day late, due to unforeseen circumstances, but today we celebrated Burns Day in style with shortbread, oatcakes and cheese and, of course, Irn Bru. We appreciate everyone making a super effort to provide the children with ‘a touch o’ tartan’ as they looked wonderful despite the awful weather you all faced coming to Nursery. Thank you also to all the family and friends who came to hear the children sing their Scottish songs. It’s so important for them to have an appreciative audience and you certainly helped to make it a memorable occasion. Here you can see some of the morning children enjoying their celebration. Afternoon photos will follow soon.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Weather, Weather Everywhere
It always seems amazing that our country can provide such a range of weather even within one day. One of our frosty mornings last week turned into a very rainy afternoon but the children still had great fun in different ways. There was lots of digging to be done as the ground melted and one group made a fantastic tower of cones to transport around the garden. Thinking caps were on as the children tried to work out the best way to balance the cones to get the biggest tower and they also worked out to ride the bike slowly to help balance their special load. What super problem solving!
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Christmas Jumpers
Towards the end of term we had a “Non-uniform/ Christmas Jumper Day” and lots of you joined in with the festive fun to help raise money for the Carlisle flood victims. Those fantastic jumpers seemed to put a smile on everyone’s face and helped us add a good donation to the school’s total of £237 for a very good cause.
Super Celebration
Dylan’s Mum has been looking at the photos of our Christmas celebration:
“We absolutely loved watching the children in their Christmas celebration, we are very proud of Dylan and all the other boys and girls as they done really well, standing up infront of a big audience singing their wee hearts out and all looked so cute. A big well done to all the staff cause all ur hard work really paid off, was truly a lovely celebration 🙂 xxx”
Thank you for your comment. We were certainly proud of every one of the children who showed great confidence in front of a big audience.
Christmas Celebration
We hope that, like us, you were very proud of all the children as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience at our Christmas celebration on Friday. Huge thanks go to Rev. McGougan, Mrs. Alexander and Mr. Palmer for joining us and to the many family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children. Here are a few photos of the children as they prepared for their performance.
Christmas In Our Community
After the super singing of the morning Sunshine children at Annan Court Care Home, it was the turn of the Rainbow morning children to make a visit in our community to Annan Day Care Centre earlier this week.
Yet again our little Nursery children made us very proud as they confidently sung their Christmas songs to the ladies and gentlemen in the audience. It was lovely to see some of the audience joining in with the actions and songs so thank you everyone for making us feel welcome.
After lots of singing, it’s great to have a refreshing drink and the ladies in charge very kindly provided us with juice which was much appreciated. Thank you boys and girls for behaving so beautifully and providing great entertainment in our local community. We hope to have more opportunities to perform again in the future with different groups.
In the meantime, we hope that all our families are looking forward to our Christmas celebration tomorrow (Friday) with Rev. McGougan when you can hear the children’s singing for yourselves. We look forward to seeing you there.