As we arrived back on the first day of term, about to learn about the signs of winter, the weather was kind enough to provide hard, frozen ground and lumps of ice in the Nursery garden. Those playing outdoors were very excited with their frozen finds which prompted great discussion about what would happen if we brought the ice indoors. There was no need to wait today for our ice cubes to form in the freezer for our indoor tray, as these super scientists brought their lumps of ice indoors to see if their predictions were true. Thank you Mr. Jack Frost for providing us with a great learning opportunity and to these boys and girls for super teamwork.
Tag: Effective Contributors
Confident Performance
As promised, here are some photos of the afternoon children just before their Christmas celebration. Just like the morning children, they showed confidence in their performance and sang beautifully for their families. Well done to everyone and thank you so much to all those who provided a wonderful audience for the children.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Christmas Celebration
We hope that, like us, you were very proud of all the children as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience at our Christmas celebration today. Huge thanks go to Rev. Pickles and Mr. Palmer for joining us and to the many family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children. Here are a few photos of the morning children as they prepared for their performance. We will post photos of the afternoon children soon.
Click then click again on the photos. You should be able to see lots of the children in the large group.
Chocolate Shapes
Olivia’s family has been looking at the photos of the children making the Christmas chocolate shapes:
“Olivia had a fantastic time creating these chocolate shapes! She has been telling us all about what happens to chocolate when you heat it! Just ashame she is unwell and wasn’t able to go to the Xmas fayre! I’m sure it was a huge success!”
Well done Olivia for remembering what you learned. We hope that you feel better soon.
Christmas Fayre
With the school Christmas Fayre tomorrow (Wednesday), we have been making chocolate Christmas shapes to sell on our stall. Discussions about what would happen when we put chocolate in the microwave then the fridge developed the children’s learning about science and we also used numeracy skills to count the squares of chocolate as we prepared our chocolate shapes.
We hope that lots of Nursery children and their families will be able to come to the Christmas Fayre tomorrow from 6.30 until 8.00 in school. We can certainly recommend the chocolate shapes to anyone who has a little money to spend – at 50p a bag we think that they are a tasty buy.
Christmas Hampers
Thank you very much to those who have brought lovely gifts to add to our hampers for the Christmas Fayre. This is just a few of the children who have kindly brought in donations which will be made into two hampers.
Thanks also go to those who are selling their squares for the Hecklegirth Fundraisers. The winners of our Nursery hampers will certainly be very lucky so good luck everyone. We hope that you all have the date in your diary for the Christmas Fayre which is on December 7th.
New Wood Supplies
As our wood supplies were dwindling in our outdoor area, we were lucky to get a delivery as a kind donation from Mr. Kerr at the end of last term. As you can see from the photos, the children loved being little helpers to carry the wood into the garden and some decided that they wanted it painted so they took on the responsibility of doing that themselves. Of course, as soon as a new pile of wood appeared, it was not long before dens were being built and lots of super imaginative play developed as a result. Well done for more super teamwork boys and girls.
Children in Need
Thank you to all those who contributed to our Children in Need ‘dress as you please day’. We are delighted to say that Nursery raised £78.33 as part of a grand total of £302 raised by Hecklegirth School so thank you very much to everyone who contributed.
Children in Need
Operation Christmas Child
We would like to remind you that anyone who wishes to donate the gift of a Christmas shoebox should bring them in to Nursery by this Friday, 11th November. Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and your kind donations will be sent to needy children who will undoubtedly be delighted with your gifts. Thank you so much to those families who have already donated a shoebox, it is greatly appreciated. Here are some of the children with their boxes ready to be collected.