Ollie and His Mum Enjoy Family Learning

Thanks to everyone who came to the Family Learning activity today.

Ollie’s Mum left us a comment saying, “What a fun morning with Eileen , mrs carruthers and the other children and their mummy’s decorating our footprints for Diwali. It’s great to be involved. Thank you.”

I hope to put some photos on the blog in the next few days. It certainly looked like good fun so thanks go to Eileen for organising this activity for us.

More Hallowe’en Fun

As promised, here are some photos of the morning children’s Hallowe’en party. As you can see, the costumes were super and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Corners, musical statues, “The Witch is in her Den”, “Catch the Mallow”, dooking for apples and, of course, party food and dancing were all met with great enthusiasm. We think there must have been some very tired Nursery children that night but they all seemed to have a great time.

Hallowe’en Fun

Lots of fun and games were had at our Hallowe’en parties this week and the children all looked the part with fantastic costumes. It was great to see how well the children from the Rainbow Room and the Sunshine Room played so happily together. Dancing, party food and games seemed to be the perfect combination for a super party.
Here you can see a selection of photos from the afternoon party. Morning photos will follow soon.

Rain, Rain, Come Back Another Day

Water play was available on a large scale at the end of last term. As the rain seemed to have forgotten to stop, a huge puddle kept growing and growing in our garden. Unlike most adults, of course, the children simply found this very exciting and were keen to play in it.
As you can see from the photos, a lot of learning can happen with a few ducks, some boats, guttering and water wheels. We even managed to make rainbow bubbles with a little touch of washing up liquid. The children certainly showed themselves to be successful learners and effective contributors as they worked together to solve lots of problems and talk about their findings. We hope that the rain does come back another day as it provided such a fun learning experience.

Food Glorious Food

We have been talking about our favourite foods in Nursery as part of learning to be good talkers and listeners. Here are some of our ideas.

Julia: yoghurt

Sara: sweeties

Shay: haggis and chicken

Kyle: little packets of chocolate

Ava: sweeties – pink ones and Peppa ones.

Patryk: chocolate and sweeties from Mummy and Daddy

Danny: pizza

Adam: white ice-cream with sprinkles on

Ollie: mint ice-cream with cake and sprinkles

Imogen: sausages and chips

Nathan: mince and tatties

Kailey: vanilla ice-cream – I don’t like sprinkles, only sauce

Katie: bolognaise – Mummy makes it and sometimes it gets on your face

Keira: ice-cream – the chocolate button one you get at Tesco

Nate: peanut butter sandwich

Liam: ham sandwich and some crisps

Lewis: pasta in cheese sauce

Making Music Together

In the past week the children have been learning how to use musical instruments correctly. This has brought lots of excitement and impromptu performances as the children have decided to form bands. Some have been marching bands and some have simply gathered round a table and agreed what songs to perform under the leadership of a conductor. It has been great to see the children grow in confidence and work so well together without adult intervention.
We managed to capture some of those moments on camera to show the children on the Promethean board and thought that you might like to see them.

Click on the screens below to see two of our little bands.

The Sunshine Building Team

We had a busy morning in the Sunshine Room on Friday as we prepared to transform our role play area into the Three Bears Cottage. New play panels needed to be put together and there was some tricky construction work to make our new table and chairs ready for Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Well done to the busy little team of builders who worked well together all morning to set up our new area.

First Days

We have had a super start to our year, as we begin to get to know our new children and their families, as well as welcoming back the familiar, happy faces. After two short taster sessions, when the children have had fun and begun to try out a variety of activities, they will now attend for the full session from Monday, 27th August.
As the coming weeks unfold, they should grow in confidence in their new environment. However, if your child takes a little while to feel comfortable, please allow him/her time to take things at their pace: we, as adults, cope with change in different ways and at different rates and children are exactly the same. If you have any concerns, please speak to staff who can offer you advice based on their experiences.
Once we have blog permission slips returned, we will be able to put photos and examples of the children’s work here. We hope that you will find this a valuable insight into your child’s experience of Nursery and that you will share in the life of the blog by adding a comment by clicking on the word ‘comments’ underneath the post title.

Happy Graduation

Lots of happy, smiling faces greeted our parents on Friday when we held a small graduation ceremony to celebrate the end of our year in Nursery. The children were very excited to sing for their families and they certainly showed themselves to be ‘confident individuals’ and ‘effective contributors’ as they performed their songs and then came individually on to the stage to shake hands and receive their certificates from Miss Wilson. We felt very proud of them all.

Thank you, as always, to all our families for fantastic support in everything we do. The children have been delightful to work with this year and we will miss all those who are moving on.

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