Christmas Jumper or Non-Uniform Day

Please bring a £1 donation per family to take part in our non-uniform/Xmas jumper day on Monday 14th at school and Nursery. Funds raised will go towards the Carlisle flood charity. Don’t panic if you don’t have a Xmas jumper- wear tinsel or just sing a carol!

Any last minutes presents or donations can be handed in to the office by Monday morning as Eastriggs and Hecklegirth Primary staff will be taking the huge pile to Carlisle in the afternoon- Norman Street School are delighted to have us help. If you have a present for a child, add the suitable age on the label to help them sort them out.

Many thanks for your generosity. We are proud that our community is so keen to help others in need.

Carlisle Christmas Help

Eastriggs Primary and Hecklegirth Primary want to do something to help make Christmas special for those affected by the recent floods.

We don’t want them to have to cancel Christmas so we are asking families to donate a gift, wrapped and labelled for a man, woman, boy or girl- something to wear and/or enjoy on what will be a damp festive period. It’s a simple and practical way to help and shows that we are thinking of our neighbours at this time.

Please drop off gifts to the school by Monday 14th and we will take them to Carlisle for distribution to those in need.

Sunshine Stories

After missing their initial visit to Annan library two weeks ago due to poor weather conditions, the children in the Sunshine Room finally got their chance to visit the library on Monday. They displayed super behaviour and listened well to the stories that Tina had chosen for them. Thank you to the kind Mummy, Daddy and Granny who made our trip possible by coming with us. We look forward to our next visit soon.

Annan Lights Santa Dash

The annual Santa Dash will take place on Sunday 6th December at 1.30pm at the Everholm running track. Any local organisation is invited to take part to raise funds for their own cause. All we need to do is register, raise sponsorship and get as many kids and families to take part from Hecklegirth School. You can walk it, jog it, run it or cycle- distances to suit all abilities so everyone is welcome. Whatever we raise we keep so let’s get together and make a difference!

If any Nursery parents would like to take part please see Mrs Alexander, Mrs Hamilton or any of the Nursery staff who can get you a sponsor sheet. Money raised will be used towards our new Mastery of Maths resources for the primary and numeracy and outdoor learning games for Nursery to help raise attainment for all!

Ben’s Library Visit

Ben’s family has been looking at the photos of our recent library visit:

“Ben really enjoyed visiting the library with his nursery friends and teachers. In the holidays he likes to stay at his Grandma’s house in Waterbeck because the library van stops right outside her house and he gets to go in the van and choose some books.”

That sounds really exciting Ben! What a lovely treat when you’re at Grandma’s house to have the library come to you.

“We Love You Hugless Douglas”

Thom and his Mum left a comment on our visit to Annan library:

“We enjoyed our Library visit, our books were due back that week and Thom was extremely pleased to find the book Marion read to us, ‘we love you hugless Douglas’ and guess what? It’s at our house now, we’ve read it a few times to Daddy and Sophie!”

It was a great book and everyone listened well to that one. I hope that Daddy and Sophie enjoyed it too Thom. It was lucky that it was still there when you went back. Thank you to your Mum for coming along to the library. It’s great to have parents with us.

Library Fun

Two of our parents have been looking at the post about our visit to the library.

“Thank u for giving the children this great opportunity for good link with the library. Dylan loves books and always loves going to the library and he thinks it’s great that he is getting to go with nursery too. After his first visit with nursery he asked to go and get the monster truck book he had a look at when he went with nursery “

I hope the monster truck book was there when you went back to the library Dylan? You are lucky going there with your family and Nursery.

“Kacey really enjoyed her library visit ,the only complaint she had was the chairs are to low for the table and she couldn’t see her book! Good job Owens daddy was there to read it to her..x”

Next time we go to the library we’ll have to find you a better seat Kacey but it was kind of Owen’s Dad to help you out.

Christmas Lantern Workshop

A Christmas Lantern Workshop will be held in Hecklegirth School on Friday 20th November between 1.00 and 5.00. You can bring your child along to make their lanterns to carry in Annan’s switch on parade on Friday 4th December. There is a small charge of £1 and children should be accompanied by an adult. If you would like to take part please ask staff for an application form.

Library Visit

To further develop links with our wider community, we have begun to visit Annan library on a Monday. Each room will visit on alternate weeks to build their literacy skills and become familiar with our local library. We apologise to those in the Sunshine Room who were expecting to go on their first visit today but we really felt that the high winds made this a safety issue for the children. Hopefully we will be able to make a visit soon.
Last week the Rainbow Room made their first visit and the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience. Marion made us very welcome and explained to the children that they could come to the library with their families to borrow books. She read us some super stories which engaged the children and they then had the opportunity to choose books to share with adults and other children. We hope that you love these photos as much as we do – it’s great to see our children so engaged with books.
We would like to thank those parents who came with us on our first visit and those who have kindly volunteered to join us in the future. We really appreciate your support and look forward to lots of parents being part of our visits. Well done also to the children for their super behaviour – Marion was very impressed with you all and is looking forward to our next visit.

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