Afternoon Fire Station Visit

As promised, here are photos of the afternoon children visiting the fire station last week. They all enjoyed lots of fun learning just like the morning children. Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who came with us on our visit – we appreciate your help and support.
Click then click again to get a clearer view of the photos.

Fire Station

After learning about different jobs in our community at the end of last term, we had one further exciting trip out last week when we visited the fire station. Fortunately the weather was very kind and we enjoyed a lovely walk there in the sunshine. As well as finding out about the job of a fire officer, the children took part in a road safety activity where they took on different roles of cars, lorries, buses and bikes as well as a police officer and lollipop person. This was a super new resource that the fire service have just acquired and was a great way to help the children think about how to stay safe.
They also got a close up view of all the equipment in a fire engine, learned what it is used for and put their hands to their ears as the siren was turned on. Of course, no visit to the fire station is complete without getting an opportunity to sit up in the fire engine and try out the big hose.
Huge thanks go to all the fire fighters who looked after us and made our visit such fun as well as to the parents who accompanied us – without parent helpers these trips out would not be possible. We hope that you enjoy these photos of the morning children and will post photos soon of our afternoon visit.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Our Community

Learning about our community last term inspired the children to make models of some of the buildings we had talked about in Annan. After looking at photos of various familiar landmarks, they set to work in the art and craft area to make their own versions so we had our own little town comprising the police station, Greencroft Medical Centre and several other well known buildings which the children then used as part of their play. If you click on the photos to make them bigger you will see the great detail that the children put in their work.

Visits to our Community

Two more families have been looking at our photos of the recent visits out to our community. Joshua H’s Mum said:

“All the children look like they enjoyed their visit to tesco. Especially those yummy pancakes 😊” and “Joshua loved looking at all the cctv, he said this was one of the best bits of the visit to the police station ☺”.

It’s good to hear that Joshua enjoyed himself. The children did like having a look at what was happening on the High Street.

Enid’s family also left us a comment:

“Enid has really enjoyed all the visits, but especially Tesco. She is using the fruit & veg reward chart to help encourage her to eat more fruit and veg and it is working 😊”

Well done Enid! I wonder if anyone else is using the chart at home?

The Giant Pancake

Olivia’s family enjoyed the photos of the children on their recent visit to Tesco:

“Fab pictures! Olivia really enjoyed her visit to Tesco especially getting the giant pancake for snack and putting items through the chekout! She told us the baker had been making pancakes for 29 years! 😄”

The baker certainly had been making pancakes for a long time but I’m not sure it was quite that long. It’s good to hear that you enjoyed your visit Olivia and you are right, those pancakes were delicious.

Tesco Teamwork

Just like the afternoon children, those in the morning thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Thank you again to all those parents who accompanied us and to Tesco for such an informative visit and the very generous goodie bags that the children took home. We really appreciate it.

Visit To Tesco

There were some very young staff working at Tesco on Thursday as Nursery children visited the store to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. They worked well in teams on their shopping tasks and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours as well as the various cereal boxes on their shopping lists.
The walk-in fridge and freezer were a bit chilly for some but we soon warmed up when we donned our hats to watch pancakes being made in the bakery. This seemed to impress the children most of all as they gave a round of applause to Stuart and Leanne for being so clever at making pancakes. It was even better when they let us taste the freshly cooked pancakes in the canteen.
We would like to say huge thanks to all the staff at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those tolerant staff who had their tea break disturbed in the canteen and to the parents who gave the time to make our visit possible. Here are the afternoon children busy in the store. Photos of the morning children will follow soon.

Police Station Take Two

The afternoon children showed great enthusiasm on their recent visit to the police station and enjoyed finding out all about a police officer’s job. Just like the morning children, they behaved beautifully and made us very proud of them all. Thank you again to all those parents who helped to make this visit possible.

Police Station Visit

This week’s visit to the police station was a great learning experience. We were shown round the cells as well as the different areas of the police station used for interviews, CCTV and fingerprinting. Some of the children tried out the hard beds and most agreed that they would not like to sleep there.
The police van, of course, was very popular and most had a turn at sitting in the front and the back of the van. The blue light and siren caused great excitement although some of us had to cover our ears the noise was so loud.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to everyone at the police station for making us feel so welcome. These photos provide a taste of the morning children’s visit. We will try to post photos of the afternoon visit soon.

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