Eadie’s Numbers

Based on our recent learning about numbers for National Maths Week, Eadie worked at home with her family to produce a wonderful poster showing all the places she had seen numbers in her community. Mrs. Alexander was very impressed with Eadie’s poster and was interested to hear her talk about the ‘winner’ and the ‘loser’ numbers from the tombola. Great work Eadie! We hope that your family was impressed with your special sticker from Mrs. Alexander.

Hecklegirth Fundraisers

We would like to remind you that Hecklegirth Fundraisers are holding their AGM on Monday 25th September at 6.00. All children in our school and Nursery benefit from the super efforts of this fundraising group so it would be great if Nursery parents could help to support them by popping along to their meeting where you can find out what they do and how to become involved as part of our community.

Maths Here,There and Everywhere

The children have been bringing in a selection of numbers and shapes that they have found in their community to celebrate National Maths Week. We have calendars, clocks, phones, pages from catalogues as well as photos of birthday cakes, cards and road signs seen on the way to Nursery. The children’s display shows just how often numbers and shapes appear in our daily lives and is making them aware of Maths being all around us. Thank you to all those families who have been busy for Maths Week. We look forward to seeing more examples of what the children can find.

Maths Week

We would like to remind you that this week (beginning 11th September) is Scotland’s first Maths Week, a week dedicated to numeracy and mathematics.
To encourage the children’s participation in this national event, we would like them to look out for numbers and shapes in the environment. We would be delighted if they brought examples to Nursery of what they find. This might be some packaging, a cutting from a catalogue or magazine or a photo of something they have found when out and about in the community with their families, such as a road sign or a door number.
We will display the children’s findings in Nursery so that they can be shared and discussed with everyone. We look forward to seeing what the children can find.

Special Visitors

Hecklegirth had some exciting visitors on Monday when the Riding of the Marches principals arrived to see everyone. Here are a few of the children waiting with the rest of the school to see the principals who brought their horses with them this year. We hope that the weather stays fine and that you all have a lovely family day out if participating tomorrow.

Happy Days

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Hecklegirth Fundraisers for paying for all the children to have a session at Farmer’s Den to celebrate our year in Nursery. Not only did the children run, jump and climb with boundless energy but they enjoyed a snack with their teddies and took some time out to draw when they needed a little rest. Even Stan the Star made an appearance to join in the fun of what was a busy and very happy day.
Thank you to all those who have contributed to the fundraising activities this year as you helped the Nursery children have a super session at Farmer’s Den. These photos show the morning children having fun. Photos of the afternoon session will be posted soon.

Nature Area Display

As a final activity in our Multicultural Week we visited the nature area to add our beautifully decorated stones to the whole school display. It was lovely to see the designs that everyone else had created and the children discussed which ones they liked best. We hope you agree that this makes a super display to represent our school community.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Nature Walks

The children from the Sunshine Room have been building their confidence in the wider environment recently by paying a few visits to the nature garden. As you can see, they have enjoyed exploring every aspect of it and collected various objects from nature to create their own works of art. We hope that you like their work as much as we do.

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