Lots of Fun

Some of our families have been looking at the photos of the egg decorating competition:

Olivia’s family said, “We had lots of fun turning Olivia’s boiled eggs into her baby sister and baby cousin!!”

Neve’s family had fun too: “Neve loved making the easter bunny eggs was great fun”

It really is amazing how many different things a boiled egg can be turned into. We thought that they were all super.

Doctors and Nurses

Owen’s family likes the photo of him on our “dress as your favourite job” day:

“Great photo of Owen, he really loved being Dr McGregor for the day, a great task for them to do, he was really excited about it.”

He does really look the part. I think we will all be alright as we get older because lots of the children want to be doctors and nurses when they are grown up so we should be well look after.

Tesco Tales

Thom’s family has been looking at the photos of our visit to Tesco:

“We were in Tesco and Thom showed me the door that led to the very cold fridge and freezer! He also told me about the tokens and what charities they were for, he enjoyed the visit very much.”

Well done Thom for remembering all about your visit. I think we all enjoyed it and learned lots about working at Tesco.

Fantastic Week

Thom’s family has been looking at the photos of our visit from the fire officer and the engine:

“it looks fab….Thom was keen to tell me all about this and how loud the siren was and how they had to cover their ears. What a fantastic week its been with so many visitors”

It was a great week and the children really enjoyed having all the visitors in talking about their different jobs so thank you to everyone concerned.

Story Time

Bethany’s family likes the photos of Primary 2 reading their stories in Nursery:

“Bethany was very excited because she was able to read her story to her little brother! Noah seemed to enjoy it too!”

Thank you to Primary 2 and Mrs. Mahon for a great visit. It was lovely to see some brothers and sisters reading together and all the children seemed to enjoy your visit.

Thank you For Your Comments

Owen’s family has been looking at the photos of the monsters that the children made at home:

“Owen really enjoyed this task, he didn’t want to do a scary monster which is why he did a ‘friendly’ robot which he calls Stuart. Great for their imagination!”

We loved your monster Owen and think that it looks just like a Stuart – good name choice. Well done!

Kacey’s family enjoyed the Pancake Day breakfast:

“Thank you for inviting us for breakfast it was really lovely.”

It’s great when we can get together for these little social occasions. Thank you to all those who were able to join us.

Proud Family

Olivia’s family is delighted with her recent certificate:

“Aww Olivia looks as proud as punch with her award! We are so proud of how brave she has been at nursery and is settling in really quickly with help from all the lovely staff who have been amazing with her! Thank you!”

Thank you very much for your kind comment. Olivia is a star and thoroughly deserves her award. Well done Olivia!

Come and Play

Dylan’s Mum has been looking at our football photos:

“All the children look really focused on what their doing with their footballs and like they are having lots of fun. Dylan has been showing us what he was learning with his football at home, sounds like super fun”

She also left a lovely message about her visit in to Nursery to play:

“I thoroughly enjoyed my morning in the nursery, thankyou, all the staff and children were very welcoming, it was so nice to see first hand at what Dylan gets up to in nursery day to day and how much fun he has with all his friends. I had great fun playing in the Chinese restaurant where I was cooked a yummy chicken and rice dish by a few of the children, it was good to hear how well their conversational and turntaking skills are developing as they asked me what i wanted, wrote down my order, cooked it, and asking me how it was. Thanks again for the opportunity to be able to pop in to stay and play, I’ll definatley be back again”

We love it when parents and other family members come in to play. Please do come back in anytime. The children really enjoyed your visit and it sounds like you enjoyed their hospitality in the Chinese restaurant.

Friends Are The Best

What a lovely coincidence that two of our families have been looking at our photos today and have both commented on the friends their children have in Nursery:

“Tom is always happy with his friends at nursery!”

“Myself Sophie and Thom have enjoyed looking at all the fantastic monsters. Thom was telling us who all his friends are as we looked. He told me he missed nursery while we were on holiday and is looking forward to seeing his friends tomorrow.”

It’s lovely to think that good friendships are being forged in Nursery. Hopefully you will stay friends for a long time.

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