Fun In The Sun

Quinn’s family has been looking at the photo of her painting the planter in the garden:

“Great photos and fantastic to see Quinn outside enjoying herself. Quinn said it was fun painting. Keep up the good work. X”

We hope that you like the finished planter which is sitting near the door. We think that the children have done a super job.

Outdoor Helpers

Callum’s family has been looking at the photos of the children helping in the digging area:

“Callum told me he had his photo taken outside. What a great photo it is with all his friends. He told me he had a great time helping outside. He said he was helping lifting the soil. He says he was strong and had big muscles. He is loving nursery especially playing outside.”

They were a great little team helping each other. We are all having a busy time outdoors at the moment and will share more photos soon. It’s good to hear that Callum’s enjoying outdoor play.

Nursery Placement

Olivia’s family has been hearing about our student whom we welcomed to Nursery this week:

“Olivia came in and told us there was a new Mrs Carruthers in nursery but that she had long gold hair! I’m sure Jen will love her placement in nursery, I love how you just never know what they are going to come out with next! All part of the fun! 🙂”

I did wonder if the children might use the titles ‘Old Mrs. Carruthers’ and ‘Young Mrs. Carruthers’ but well done Olivia for telling your family about Mrs. Carruthers with the “long gold hair”. We feel sure that Mrs. Carruthers will thoroughly enjoy playing with all the children in Nursery.

Well Done Hecklegirth Nursery

Lily’s family has posted a kind comment further to the publication of our Care Inspection report:

“This is an excellent report! Well done Heckelgirth Nursery 👍🏻”

Thank you so much for your support. We really appreciate it. I have posted a link  to the report a few posts below  this for everyone to read.

Proud Families

Enid and Ava both made their families very proud as they got certificates last week. They left us these lovely comments:

“So proud of Enid, I’m surprised how quickly she has settled in as she can be so shy. Hecklegirth must have done a good job of making her feel at home there. Thank you all.”

“Ava and all her family were really pleased with her special award 😊”

Well done to you both! You deserved those awards.


Looking After Baby

Danielle’s family liked the photo of her playing in the Nursery garden:

“Danielle loves all babys and prams so wasn’t surprised seeing this. Fab picture xx”

She certainly spent a lot of time looking after her baby. Thank you for leaving a comment. It’s good to know that parents are looking at our blog to see what the children have been doing in Nursery.

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