We will all be friends.

Olivia’s family was pleased with the photo showing our Nursery rules:

“What a lovely picture to go alongside an important rule! Olivia has enjoyed making friends with the new boys and girls that have  recently started at nursery! 🙂”

‘We will all be friends’ is an important rule in Nursery. It’s lovely to see children making new friends this year after some have moved on to Primary 1.

How to Make a Fairy House

Harris’ family likes the photo of him watching another little boy working with the hammer and chisel:

“Harris is thinking so that is how to do it. I will know what to do when it is my turn to make a fairy house.”

He is certainly paying lots of attention. The children really did show good concentration with that activity.

Parent Comments

Two of our families have been looking at the photos of the children painting shells and stones for the fairy garden:

“Quinn doing what she does best painting herself as well as the shells. X”

 “Lily is very excited about the fairy garden! She insisted that I come and have a look and said I had to be very quiet as that’s when the fairies come out! I also heard her telling her granny all about it!”

It’s good to hear that the children are excited about the fairy garden. Let’s hope that the fairies are excited too.
Lily’s family also enjoyed the woodworking photos where the children are using a hammer and chisel:

 “Wow! Grandad will be impressed with this photo! He thinks he’s the only joiner in the family!😂”

I’m sure that Grandad will be impressed Lily because you worked so carefully with that hammer and he will be able to see your super concentration in the photo.

Painting for the Outdoors

Ava’s family has been looking at the photos of the stones and shells that the children painted:

“All the Shells and stones look great. Ava said she enjoyed painting some of them.”

Ava and lots of other children did a great job. We think that they have brightened up the outdoor area and we hope that the fairies like them in their garden.


Hard Workers

Two families have left comments on photos of the children looking busy in Nursery:

“Noah looks very busy with his graph!”

The children certainly took the graph seriously as they knew that this would help to decide what plants we bought. Good concentration in that photo Noah!

“Good girl Ameila, she learning how to clean.”

Lots of children worked hard and made a good job of preparing the wood for the fairy garden. Let’s hope that the fairies like their new home once it’s ready for them.

Happy Learning

Two of our families have left comments on our recent posts. Enid’s family liked our first graph:

“What a fun way to learn about graphs, fantastic idea.”

We wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to give their opinion on the plants we chose and the children were able to see clearly from the graph which choices were most popular so hopefully their first experience of a graph was meaningful for them.

Vinnie seems to be really proud of his recent certificate:

“Vinnie was so happy with his reward he showed it to everyone who came to the house…..even the milk man!”

We love that story Vinnie. I hope the milkman was as impressed as we are with your achievement.

Happy Families

It seems that lots of our families have been enjoying the photos of the outdoor activities we have been doing recently. Noah, Joshua H. and Kobe have all been talking about playing in the Nursery garden to their families.

“Look at that wee face-deep in concentration! Noah really enjoys playing outside at nursery with his friends!”

“Joshua looks so content & hard at work here. I remember this day he come home & said he had been cleaning & playing with water.”

“Good to see the kids outside playing. Kobe says he really enjoys playing in the nursery garden.”

Come sun or rain, most children seem to love outdoor play so it’s lovely to hear that they are talking to their families about it at home. Thank you for leaving comments. It’s great to know that you are looking at our blog and that the children are enjoying our outdoor play activities.

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