To add variety to our “Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star” tree the children experimented with a range of materials to see what they could create using lollipop sticks as a base. As you can see from these examples, they showed originality and creativity to produce wonderful additions to the stars on our tree. Why not have a close look at our trees to see exactly what great work the children have done?
Tag: Christmas
Christmas Decor
Christmas arrived recently in Nursery when the Christmas trees appeared and the children decorated them with the decorations that they had made themselves. Both the Sunshine and Rainbow rooms worked hard and we think that they made a great job of their trees. Please have a close at their work in Nursery to see if you agree.
New Toys
As well as contributing to the recent Christmas Fayre, the children in Nursery were very lucky to receive some new toys from the Hecklegirth Fundraisers stall. Thank you to those families who donated these toys to the school. As you can see, the children were very excited to explore them last Friday and they will certainly be well used.
Super Stars
As well as our egg box decorations, some of the children used a range of craft materials to design their own stars for our Christmas trees. They have shown creativity and originality in their designs and we think that they add something special to our trees which looked wonderful on display at the Christmas Fayre.
Learning With Chocolate
With the school Christmas Fayre on Thursday of this week, we have been making chocolate shapes to sell on our stall. Discussions about what would happen when we put chocolate in the microwave then the fridge developed the children’s learning about science and we also used numeracy skills to count the squares of chocolate as we prepared our chocolate shapes. Of course there was also the opportunity for a little tasting as some of the children enjoyed the age old tradition of “cleaning” the bowl at the end.
We hope that lots of Nursery children and their families will be able to come to the Christmas Fayre on Thursday from 6.30 until 8.00 in school. We can certainly recommend the chocolate shapes to anyone who has a little money to spend – at 50p a bag we think that they are a tasty buy.
Christmas Hampers
We would like to thank everyone who has donated prizes to the Nursery hampers as part of our school and Nursery fundraising activity. As you can see, our hampers are full of tasty goodies and will make super prizes for some lucky winners.
As the Christmas Fayre approaches (Thursday, December 7th), we ask that any final donations are brought in as soon as possible so that we can wrap our hampers ready for the prize winners. Thank you to all those who contributed through donations and by selling squares. We appreciate your support
Christmas Mail
Glitter and Sparkles
As you may have noticed, the festive season has arrived early in Nursery as the children have become immersed in glitter and sparkles to create decorations for our Christmas trees. Thank you to all those who brought us egg boxes over the past week or so as they have now been transformed into sparkling tree decorations. Here is a little gallery of our first Christmas activities.
Christmas Boxes
We would like to remind you that anyone who wishes to donate the gift of a Christmas shoebox should bring it in to Nursery by tomorrow Tuesday, 14th November. Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and your kind donations will be sent to needy children who will undoubtedly be delighted with your gifts. Thank you so much to those families who have already donated a shoebox, it is greatly appreciated. Here are some of the children with their boxes ready to be collected.
Don’t Forget Rudolph
The afternoon children were equally excited to make food for Santa’s reindeer at the end of term and some told Santa about it at their party. Don’t forget to put it out tonight boys and girls – let’s hope that all that glitter will help Rudolph and his friends find their way to your houses.