Primary 6 pupils from P5/6 and P6/7 have been visiting Nursery for a few months now and good relationships are being built which will help to support those children moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August. You may have noticed some of the work the P6 buddies completed in class on our transition noticeboard in the cloakroom area. We thought we would share some of their thoughtful comments as they were asked to think about their role in Nursery.
What does a buddy do?
A Nursery buddy helps the little ones to make friends and build up confidence. They also must set a brilliant example.
A Nursery buddy is someone who is kind, helpful and also shows a good example and that encourages them to do good because if they see you do a bad thing they will copy you because you are one of the older ones and they rely on you.
A Nursery buddy’s job is to help the children from Nursery in their transition to P1.
It’s good to help the children to be confident. Also help them to do things they’re not sure about like writing and jigsaws. I think it’s good to read to them because they might learn some new words. I try and ask them questions like, “What did the pig say?” especially when I’m reading to them.
You need to be a good example because if you be silly your buddy will be silly too. When you go to Nursery you can help the children by reading a book to them.
A Nursery buddy helps do puzzles, draw, play to welcome the pupil to the school.
A Nursery buddy is there to build the little one’s confidence and help them with their transition to P1. They are also there to help them speak nicely to each other and play in a team.
What strengths do you need to be a buddy?
You will need to be confident, kind, helpful and gentle so no-one will get hurt.
We need to be gentle with them because they are only wee and fragile.
You need to set a good example not a bad example. Also ask them what they want to do. If they want to do a jigsaw I do a jigsaw with them.
There are certain character strengths you need to be a good buddy likes of being kind and helpful so they don’t cry. You need to be fair so you don’t just leave them and go play with someone else.
To be a buddy you need to be a good example to them. When they want to do something you don’t want, just do it. It will make them happy.
You need to be helpful to show right from wrong. Being patient is helpful too as they might be shy about coming to school. If you are confident they will see that and hopefully copy you to become confident too.
There is lots and lots of strengths you need to be a buddy. You need to be helpful and kind, if you aren’t then they won’t want to come to school and they will be upset. You also need to be gentle with them because they are only little and are fragile.
Why do you enjoy being a Nursery buddy?
I enjoy being a buddy because I get to play with the little ones and it is very fun.
Because I love to go and see them and read to them and write and also draw and stuff like that.
I enjoy being a Nursery buddy because I love playing with little ones and also looking after them.
I enjoy being a buddy because I love helping people especially the little ones. You will enjoy being a buddy because it will give you someone to look after and play with.
I like helping the children draw because it makes me feel good and they might not know what to do.
As you can see the older children have thought carefully about their buddy role and take it seriously. If you would like to read more of their ideas, check out the board in the cloakroom and on the corridor wall. We look forward to more fun times ahead with the buddies next term.