Super Work Primary 6

We have had several comments on our post about the Primary 6 buddies going a walk with the Nursery pupils.

Derry’s family spotted him enjoying his stroll:

“Derry loves a walk. Great to see the older children being so good with the young ones.”

Mr. Callaghan, who also happens to be one of our parents, was impressed with our older pupils too:

“Well done Primary 6- showing what good role models you can be to your Nursery Buddies!”

Our photos also brought back a few memories for one of the parents of our Primary 6 buddies:

“Aww x seems like 5 minutes ago Leo was at nursery and now he’s training to be a buddy 🌟”

We are glad that you agree that Primary 6 are doing a brilliant job. They are growing in confidence with each visit and are building great relationships with our children. Thank you Primary 6 for all your super work.

Having Fun

Crue’s family has been enjoying the photos of the children doing their Daily Mile with Primary 6:

“Crue looks like he’s having fun”

They do really seem to all enjoy each other’s company and chat away the whole time. We have a few more activities planned with Primary 6 so I’m sure that they will enjoy themselves together again.

Walk And Chat

Over the past few weeks Monday has become the day for some of our children to enjoy a walk with our kind and helpful Primary 6 buddies. As part of the whole school Daily Mile activity, we have been looking after our Health and Wellbeing by taking a stroll round the school outdoor area. There have been some great chats along the way and we are very impressed by the way that Primary 6 has learned to engage in conversation with our younger pupils, finding out what they are interested in and chatting to them about it. Thank you to Primary 6 for giving us your time – our children really look forward to your visits.

Confident Individuals

Brooke’s family has been looking of the photos of Primary 6 visiting the Nursery:

“What a lovely photo of Brooke looking so confident and so happy in talking to one of the buddies out in the garden 😀”

It is lovely to see the older children building good relationships with our children.

Buddy Comments

Both parents and buddies have been looking at the photos of Primary 6 playing with our Nursery children.
Joshua’s family said, “Fun in the sand box. Joshua looks like he’s having lots of fun😊”

One of our Primary 6 pupils, left a comment saying,“Cute Thanks Nursery Team xx💝” and another of our parents commented, “What a lovely photo! 😊 “ of one of our children looking at a story with an older pupil.

Thank you to parents and children for taking the time to leaving us comments. We look forward to lots more visits from Primary 6.

Buddy Day

Monday is buddy day when Primary 6 visit Nursery children to play with them. All the buddies have now visited both morning and afternoon sessions to get to know our children and they are doing a great job. It’s lovely to see the older and younger children chatting together as they build relationships. We are looking forward to lots more visits in the future and hope that Primary 6 are enjoying their visits too.

Primary 6 Buddies

As part of our transition work, Primary 6 children have begun to visit Nursery to play and build relationships with our children. They have shown great enthusiasm and skills with the younger children. Thank you Primary 6 for doing a great job on your first visit. Keep up the good work – the Nursery children enjoyed your visits and are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

The Buddies Visit India

Our children were very excited to hear that some familiar faces were going to visit us to sample our Indian activities as part of Multicultural Week. Primary 6 buddies are always very welcome visitors to Nursery and all our children look up to them with great affection.
Our Indian snacks seemed very popular and it was lovely to see such careful work being produced on the mehndi hands as well as the happy smiles on the faces of those who tried out the Indian dancing. As always, we loved having you to visit Primary 6. Thank you for taking part in our activities.

Buddies Meet Our Families

Primary 6 buddies are making such a good job of building relationships with their new little friends that our children are growing in confidence every time they visit Primary 1 or the school playground.
The buddies very kindly took the time to write letters to their Nursery child’s family so that they know a little about them and they have recently introduced themselves to their parents/carers. We hope that this has eased any of the worries you may have had about your child moving to Primary 1 and that you enjoy sharing the letters with your children.
Thank you Primary 6 children for doing a super job. You certainly are responsible citizens and effective contributors!

Buddy Time

Noah’s family likes the photo of him playing on the school field with his buddy:

“What a lovely photo! Noah loves spending time with his buddy!”

The children are getting to know their buddies well now and it’s lovely to see the relationships blossom as the children grow in confidence in the wider school environment.

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