As those moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August have now met their individual Primary 6 buddies, we have put a timetable in place for the children to visit the school playground. The buddies will go with our children on these visits to encourage and support them initially in the empty playground and then when the rest of the school is out.
We have already had the first of our visits and Primary 6 showed impressive skills and attitude to ensure that our children had great fun and felt confident in the wider school environment. Thank you Primary 6 for doing such a super job. All the children came back to Nursery from the playground happy and confident. They are looking forward to another visit this week.
Category: 2017-18
Word Of The Week
Our “Word of the Week” for this week will be symmetrical. We will be looking at what symmetrical means as part of our activities in Nursery and it will link to our learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.
Award Winners
Very well done to our award winners from last week. Keep up the good work!
Open Evening
We would like to remind you that Monday 14th May is our whole school Open Evening. Nursery will be open from 3.30 – 5.30 for any parents/carers who would like to pop in for a chat and to have a look at their child’s “special book”. We look forward to seeing you then if you are available to come along. Please remember that your child’s book is also available every day for you to look at and staff are happy to chat to you if you have concerns or queries.
Caring For Our Plants
Amazingly some of the sunflower seeds that we planted have already started to grow so the children are beginning to bring them home where they will be able to care for them. We are checking our little seeds daily and each one will be sent home once they have sprouted so, if you do not have yours yet, hopefully it will not be too long until they are ready for the big move. We are looking forward to hearing about their progress over the next few weeks and months.
Big Pedal Fun
Just like the morning children, those in the afternoon participated enthusiastically in all the super activities organised for Big Pedal Fun Day. Here is a selection of the children in action on their bikes and scooters.
Big Pedal Fun Day
Friday was Big Pedal Fun Day for everyone at Hecklegirth as the children brought bikes and scooters to participate in great fun activities in the school playground under the guidance of some super volunteers. Despite the chilly weather, the children showed great confidence and enthusiasm to try out the challenges set for them. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. The children had super fun and experienced a great way to keep fit and healthy.
Here are the morning children in action. Photos of the afternoon children will follow in the next day or two.
Click then click again on photos to make them bigger.
Concentrating Faces
Oscar and Letti’s Mum liked the photos of the children planting their seeds:
“What brilliant photos of all the kids with their concentrating faces on!”
They did listen well and took care when planting their sunflowers and amazingly some have already started to grow.
Seed Planting
As promised, here are photos of the afternoon children planting their sunflower seeds. They were watered on Friday to help them germinate and we are looking forward to checking them on Tuesday, when we return to Nursery, to see if any of our seeds have started to sprout.
Word Of The Week
This week’s “Word of the Week” will be ‘artist’ as we look at the work of Vincent Van Gogh. I wonder how many children will know what an artist is by the end of this week?