First Day

It was great today to see some familiar faces from last year and lovely to begin to get to know our new children and their families.
We are able to share some photos here of the children at play on their first day. Once we have the blog permission slips returned from everyone, we will able to share more photos and examples of the children’s work here. We hope that you will find this a valuable insight into the life of our Nursery and that you can use the blog to add comments about your child’s experience.
Simply click on the word “comments” under the title of each post if you wish to leave a comment. Please be aware that these will not appear immediately, as they are monitored by the administrator before publication, but you should see your comment within a day or two.
Thank you to all our parents for working with us to provide a smooth and happy start for the children.

Start of Term

We are looking forward to seeing everyone when Nursery starts on Monday 21st August. It will be lovely to see the children who are returning for their second year and to get to know all our new children and their families.
We would like to remind you that morning sessions have a soft start (8.45-9.10) and children finish at 11.55 unless staying for a full day session. Afternoon children all start at 12.15 and should be collected between 3.00 and 3.25. Children attending for a full day finish at 3.05.
Entrance will be through the Nursery garden and in through the first door on the left for the green and yellow groups, the second door on the left for red and blue groups.
If this is your child’s first time in Nursery, we suggest he/she comes initially for one hour to help him/her to settle in. Please see the letter confirming your child’s place in Nursery for details of groups and times.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Dates For Your Diary

We hope that our families are all enjoying their summer holidays spending time together. To help you plan your next holiday, we have put the dates for the new school year in our “Dates for Your Diary” link on the right under “Support Information”.
This link will be updated with more detail as the year progresses, once we have other dates in place, so all the information you need for your calendar will be there. We hope that this is helpful for you and that you enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Role Play

Role play develops children’s social skills, creativity and imagination. It provides opportunities to play out events that they have observed or experienced in real life and to express their feelings and ideas in a relaxed environment. They can apply and practise life skills as well as develop their literacy and numeracy skills in so many contexts in the role play area. Here is a little gallery of the various roles the children have taken on in our role play area – don’t they look the part so busy in their play?

Sunny Seats

Teamwork, creativity, imagination … there are so many exciting areas of learning that develop outdoors but sometimes on a sunny day it’s just good to have a rest and take it all in. These photos were taken on a lovely warm afternoon towards the end of term and show different ways the children took a little time out from their busy play to relax in the sun. Play is hard work and it’s good to have a seat and a rest at times.

Train Adventures

We love it when the children show creativity with the resources they find outdoors so thought that we would share these recent photos of a group who decided to make a train. This was the start of some great imaginative play with the children planning all sorts of adventures from going to the park to a journey to the moon.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Thank You

We are sad to say that our last day of term was also the last day on placement for Mrs. Jen Carruthers who has been a super student with us all year. We know that the boys and girls will miss Mrs. Carruthers just as much as the staff will and we would like to thank her for all her hard work in our Nursery.
For those coming back to Nursery next year, Mrs. Carruthers has very kindly bought us a lovely outdoor table with a sand tray incorporated (she has even provided the sand) so we look forward to using that next year and would like to thank her for her generosity.
We hope that you all have a lovely summer holiday with your families and that the sun shines for you. We still have a few photos to share and I will put them on the blog over the next week or two so keep your eyes peeled for those.

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