The Food Rainbow

We have had so many fun activities during Health Week to help us learn about the importance of looking after our bodies. As well as the physical activities, we had a lovely visitor who helped us think about healthy eating and what it looks like. It was impressive that lots of the children were aware of sugar in foods and that it is not good for their teeth but they were surprised, for example, to learn that tomato sauce has lots of sugar in it.
I wonder if any of the children remembered to talk to their families about the food rainbow? Why not ask them at home what it means?

Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running and jumping skills to prepare for our Fun Activity Day tomorrow (Thursday). They have grown in confidence, shown good teamwork and had great fun. We are looking forward to lots of families and friends cheering the children on as they show you what they can do. We hope to bring them on to the field around 9.30 and 2.00 when they will start moving round their activities.
We do have photos of the children practising their activities but unfortunately, for some reason, the system will not allow us to upload them today so we hope to show you them once the problem has been resolved. Fingers crossed that the sun decides to shine tomorrow.

Fit And Healthy

Just like the afternoon children, those in the morning session started off Health Week with several laps of walking round the school grounds. It was lovely to have some of the Primary 6 buddies supporting them on their journey and the drinks station was a great addition on such a warm day. Well done everyone for a super effort to keep fit and healthy.

Fit To Learn?

Do you have problems getting your child to sleep? Do you know how much sleep young children need and how important sleep is for their development?
Why not come along to our “Fit To Learn?” workshops in the school dinner hall this Thursday 24th May, between 2.00 and 4.00 to learn a little more? These are drop-in workshops so you do not have to be there at 2.00. Mr. Palmer, our Depute Head, and Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, will be there and children can accompany their parents/carers so you may want to drop in after our Fun Activity Day?

Health Week Challenge

Health Week is well and truly underway and the sunshine seemed to know that we had some outdoor fun planned for today. It was a gorgeous day for our initial challenge of walking round the school field and playground to begin our keep fit campaign and the children measured up to the challenge, walking round the circuit several times. Here is a taster of some of the children striding out in the afternoon session. More photos will follow as the week progresses.

Fab Photos

Joshua and Nancy’s family enjoyed our photos of the royal wedding celebrations.

Fab photos of all the children. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as Joshua & Nancy did 😊 x “

“Nancy loved snack time. She was comparing what she had for snack with her brother & what he had for snack when got home 🤣.”

We are glad that you both enjoyed our special day. It is lovely to have a special snack sometimes and it was certainly a little bit special that day.

Word Of The Week

As we look forward to our whole school Health Week, with lots of fun activities planned for everyone, our “Word of the Week” this week will be ‘healthy. Hopefully we will have a better understanding of what it means to be healthy at the end of this week as well as feeling happy and healthy after taking part in the various activities.

Thumbs Up

It seems that our potential Primary 1 children have been enjoying their time in Miss Campbell’s class as they gave her a ‘thumbs up’ at the end of a recent visit. Two of their families also left lovely comments.

“Brooke has loved her first couple of visits to primary 1, she hasnt stopped talking about it and is so looking forward to starting big school. It’s nice to see how confident she is in the classroom setting”

It’s fab to see all the children enjoyed visiting the P1 classroom. Joshua is very excited & looking forward to primary after the summer 😊.”

We have more visits planned to Primary 1 and the Primary 6 buddies will be taking the children back to the playground so lots to look forward to.

A Right Royal Day

Along with many other local schools and nurseries, we enjoyed a little celebration today to mark the forthcoming royal wedding. Red, white and blue was the theme of the day and some tasty snacks were served up as we talked about who was getting married. Thank you to all our families for helping the children to be part of this special occasion. They certainly all seemed to enjoy their day.

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