Barbecue Tickets

Hecklegirth Fundraisers are holding a barbecue on Friday 8th June from 6.00 to 8.00. Tickets are £2 each and entitle each person to entry and their first burger or sausage on a roll. Please return your form to request tickets by Thursday 31st May. Please remember that entry to this event will be by ticket only and there will be no tickets sold on the night. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.

Confident Individuals

It seemed too good to be true that the sun decided to shine on our Fun Activity Day but we were very grateful for the gorgeous weather. Thank you so much to all family and friends who took the time to cheer on the children as well as to the buddies of Primary 6 who were great helpers and supporters of the children both morning and afternoon.
We are sure that, like us, you felt very proud of them all as they confidently showed off their skills and great teamwork. We managed to capture photos of some of the children with those well deserved medals and an ice lolly finished off our day nicely. We hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Well done boys and girls – you really showed yourselves to be ‘confident individuals’. Here are the morning children after all their hard work.

School Sports

Joshua and Nancy’s family enjoyed the photos of the children practising for their Fun Activity Day.
“Nancy enjoyed practicing for sports day very much 😀.”

“Joshua loved practicing for sports day. He was pleased he got to join in the p1 race. He told us all about  it at home 😊 x”

The children did seem to enjoy all the practising on the school field and it was lovely for those moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth to be able to join in the school sports for a race and to cheer on their family and friends in their races. Here are a few photos of them at the school sports. Well done all of you for showing great confidence in a new situation.

Proud Mummy And Daddy

Joshua’s family is delighted with his recent certificate:

“My wee dude was so pleased when he got his certificate. He was smiling all weekend & telling everybody. He was a very proud boy & Mummy & Daddy were proud too. Well done Joshi 😍☺ “

It’s lovely to hear how proud Joshua and his family are feeling. Very well done Joshua! Keep up the great work.

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