The family of one of your youngest new children has been looking at his photo playing outdoors:
“Lovely photo of Alfie. He looks so happy.”
It is great how quickly these children have grown in confidence in such a short time.
The family of one of your youngest new children has been looking at his photo playing outdoors:
“Lovely photo of Alfie. He looks so happy.”
It is great how quickly these children have grown in confidence in such a short time.
It has not taken long at the start of a new term for the children in the Sunshine Room to get their suits and boots on to join in the outdoor play. As you can see, they are looking confident to sample the activities in our garden, regardless of the weather. Bikes and puddle jumping seemed to be the most popular when we captured them on the camera recently. Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
As part of our transition work, Primary 6 children have begun to visit Nursery to play and build relationships with our children. They have shown great enthusiasm and skills with the younger children. Thank you Primary 6 for doing a great job on your first visit. Keep up the good work – the Nursery children enjoyed your visits and are looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Just like the morning children, some in the afternoon have been talking about Jack Frost and what they think that he is like.
Bethany: he looks like a Christmas tree and lives in the ice.
Kai: he looks like ice. He has chicken nuggets for tea. He lives in the cold.
Kendall: he likes pizza.
Joshua: he looks icy. He likes to eat snowballs. He lives in a werewolf house.
Frankie: he looks like an angel. He likes pizza for tea. He lives in the sky.
Ava: Jack Frost is white. He likes to eat toast. He lives in an ice cave.
Devlin: he’s red. He eats snow.
Halle: he likes ice for his tea. He looks like a Christmas tree. He lives where there’s lots of ice.
Cali: he looks white and icy. He lives at the North Pole. He likes snow sausages, snow burgers and snow sandwiches.
What a lot of great ideas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us boys and girls.
Nancy’s Mum is pleased to see photos of her as she settles in to her first few weeks of Nursery:
“Aw my baby girl. She has settled in very well & loves being at Nursery 😊.
Nancy looks like she’s concentrating hard in this photo 😀 x”
It is surprising how quickly the new children have settled into the routines of Nursery. Thanks go to all the parents and carers for their help with this.
Most of the children are familiar with the idea of Jack Frost so we asked some of the morning children for their ideas of what he is like.
Enid: he looks like snow.
Olivia: his hair looks like real ice. He lives in the North Pole.
Aoife: he looks like an angel.
Imoen: he lives in the snow.
Eadie: he looks like snow.
Bradley: he’s like snow.
Freddie: he’s frozen. He lives in the frost.
Priya: he lives under the snow.
Crue: he lives in the sky.
When asked what they think Jack Frost eats, they had some interesting ideas.
Fraser: snow or fish fingers.
Penny: sausages and beans.
Enid: a snow sandwich.
Louie: chips.
Aoife: leaves and berries.
Alexa: sweeties.
Brooke: he’ll like burgers.
I think we will have to look out for Mr. Jack Frost to see if we can find out any more about him.
Joshua’s family has been looking through lots of our photos and has left us some lovely comments:
“Good job to all on your decorations. I loved the one Joshua made 😊.”
When looking at a photo of the Christmas celebration, Joshua’s family said,
“Well done to all the children singing your Christmas songs. Great performers. You were all superb! 😊”
Thank you for your kind comments. It’s great to know that our families look at our blog.
As part of our learning about winter, the children have been experimenting in the art and craft area to create a range of winter pictures. We love that they all look individual and hope that you enjoy their creative ideas of what winter looks like. If you click then click again on a photo, you will be able to see the name of the super artists.
As part of our learning about the changing seasons, we have been talking to the children about how they know it is winter and what happens in winter. Here are a few of their ideas.
Crue: it gets very cold.
Fraser: robins come out. It’s minus one.
Alexa: it’s slippery ice.
Brooke: the water will freeze. We need to wrap up warm. We need a furry coat.
Jasmin: Santa comes and presents.
Annalise: it gets so cold.
Frankie: you can build a snowman. You need two snowballs, a big one and a little one.
Penny: the trees have no leaves.
Emily: the clouds are holding the snow. When the snow gets bigger, it comes out.
Skye: you might slip on your bottom.
Imoen: the snowflakes are on the car when it snows.
Olivia: we should leave bread out for the birds.
Tom: it snows.
Aoife: we need boots. We need to give the birds berries because they are hungry.
James: we need to wrap up warm.
Cali: we can throw snowballs.
Priya: there’s lots of snow on the trees.
We think that the children have some good ideas about the signs of winter. I wonder what they can see coming to Nursery that tells them it is winter time?
We now have the dates of various drop-in sessions organised by the Speech and Language Therapy department. They are providing workshops for parents/carers entitled “Early Language Drop-in”, “Speech Sounds Drop-in” and “Communication Problem Solving Drop-in”. We have leaflets displayed in Nursery on the middle door between the two areas – these explain the details of what is involved in each of these workshops at both Annan or Lockerbie and what the dates are for the sessions.
Speech and Language Therapy also provide an advice line on 01387 220013 which is available every Wednesday from 2.00 until 4.00.
This is a very valuable service which we hope will be useful to you. Please speak to staff for any advice about this opportunity.