Very well done to our two award winners from the end of last term. Keep up the good work both of you. We are very proud of you.
Category: 2017-18
Chats Round The Fire
Brooke’s family has been enjoying the photos of the children making toast outdoors:
“Wow, what a great idea, looks like all the kids enjoyed toasting their own snack and all looked like they knew how to keep themselves safe, well done everyone. Can tell Brooke enjoyed it by that big smile on her face 😀 xx”
It’s funny how the toast tastes so much better made on the fire. The children certainly love doing this and have such great chats round the fire.
Outdoor Snack
Come rain, wind or sun everyone loves a fire in the Nursery garden and it is even better when we have a little snack to cook. One chilly day towards the end of last term a few children suggested that we could warm up outdoors by setting a camp fire so that is exactly what we did.
We all had to think about the wind direction that day as it was quite blowy but the children soon worked out the best seats to avoid smoke in their faces and to stay safe. This little group was well rewarded with some delicious toast cooked on the fire. Great teamwork all of you, working out how to stay safe and helping each other to make your toast and spread it.
Lots Of Fun
Here is a group of Primary 6 children helping the afternoon children with their bunny designs at the end of term. If you would like to see all the bunnies together, have a look on the Nursery wall after the holiday. We think that they make a great display to reflect yet another super time together. Thank you Primary 6 for all your help.
Bunnies And Buddies
Our Primary 6 buddies continued their super work in the Nursery in the last week of term, enjoying an art activity with our children. Marshmallows, toothbrushes and glitter were the tools used to decorate their bunnies and the older pupils chatted to our children as they made their choices about colour and design. This gallery shows the morning children all busy at work. We will post some photos of the afternoon children working with Primary 6 soon.
PEEP Sessions
A few of our families have begun PEEP (Parents Early Education Programme) sessions with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, in the last few weeks. One of the recent activities was making playdough and adding a variety of different scents which sounds like good fun. Here are some of our families looking very busy. I wonder if they made dough at home?
Proud Family
Bethany’s family is delighted with her success in the egg decorating competition:
“Well done Bethany. We are so proud of you. X”
She certainly did very well as there were lots of eggs from Nursery and Primary 1. Enjoy your prize Bethany.
Well Done Bethany
Thank you to everyone who entered the decorated egg competition this week. Here is the happy winner of the Nursery and Primary 1 section. Well done Bethany! There were a lot of eggs in the competition so you did very well to be chosen as the winner and we hope that you enjoy your prize. Congratulations to all the entrants who produced some super decorated eggs.
Happy Holidays
We hope that everyone is looking forward to a lovely Spring holiday with their family. Nursery is now closed until Monday 16th April but we still have some memories to share from last term so keep an eye on our blog for a few updates over the holidays. We hope that the sun shines over the next two weeks and that you all have a great break.
Eggcellent Eggs
What a lot of fantastic eggs appeared from our Nursery children this week for the decorated boiled egg competition! It was great to see that children and their families have worked together at home on this fun Easter activity and the Nursery/Primary 1 tables are full of lots of creative ideas. Well done to everyone who took the time to enter the competition. We are not sure yet who the winner is but we think that all your eggs are wonderful!