Autumn Work

Lily’s family has been looking at the various photos of our work on Autumn:

“Lily has been absolutely loving all this autumn work- especially the songs as she sings them all the time! 🙉 She likes to go on the iPad and watch the song clips!”

Well done for singing your songs at home to your family Lily. That must be why you perform them so well in Nursery.

Autumn Singing

We would like to remind you that, as we come towards the end of our learning about Autumn, you can come a little early to collect the children tomorrow, Thursday 13th October, to hear them singing a few songs that they have been practising.
Space is obviously limited at the moment for lots of adults as well as children, while our building work is being carried out, but we hope that we should be able accommodate everyone just for a short time. Please arrive for 11.45 or 2.50, depending on the session your child attends, if you wish to hear the children singing.

Autumn Display

Learning about Autumn this term has been helped greatly by the children’s wonderful contributions to our display area. Chestnuts, acorns, a pumpkin, various berries, a squash and leaves of so many colours have been collected by the children and their families. Good talking skills have been evident as the children shared their finds with others and talked about where they had found them.
Thank you so much to all those families who have taken the time to talk to their children about the signs of Autumn and have helped them find examples. The children have shown great enthusiasm to look at and talk about our display. Here are some of the children with their finds.

Cooking Outdoors

The families of Joshua H. and Harvey M. have been looking at the photos of our outdoor cooking on the fire.

“Joshua’s face is full of concentration in this picture. He looks like he is listening & taking everything in. Thats what I like to see, Im so proud of him.”

“Looks like Harvey enjoyed making bread! Maybe he will test his new skills at home one day 😀”

The children really listened well at this activity – learning while having fun. Good luck with the bread making at home Harvey!

Toasting Marshmallows

Following on from the afternoon children’s experience, we set a fire one morning last week. Toasted marshmallows and bread were on the menu which went down a treat. It’s strange how food seems to taste so much better outdoors but there were certainly plenty of children keen to sample it. As with the afternoon children, we were delighted with the children who were so sensible round the fire and showed that they realised how important it was to stay safe.

School Photographer

We would like to remind you that the school photographer will be taking individual and family photographs tomorrow, Tuesday 11th October. Unless families have informed us otherwise, all children will have individual photographs taken and older siblings will collect younger children for family photos. Due to time restrictions, only children in school or Nursery will be able to have their photo taken.

Outdoor Cooking

On a recent visit to discuss our outdoor environment, the local ranger brought us a great new base for making a fire and the afternoon boys and girls were the first to try it out. While some were intrigued to watch the ranger setting up the fire, others were busy indoors making bread. Lots of measuring and counting skills were needed to make sure we followed the recipe but, as you can see, our team of chefs showed super concentration to produce their dough. Once it was wound round sticks and the fire was ready, the children helped to cook their bread and they melted marshmallows on sticks which brought lots of discussion about the changes happening to them as they were cooked.
We were very impressed with the children’s super listening skills and discussion about staying safe near fire. They certainly deserved to taste the results of their hard work. Thank you very much to Duncan for his help- the children had a great learning experience.
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