Bird Feeders

As part of our outdoor development, some of the children worked hard at the end of last term to make bird feeders. We chopped fruit and used rice cakes which were carefully threaded to make feeders to hang in our canopy. As you can see, there was great concentration and good fine motor skills involved in this activity so we hope that the birds appreciate all the children’s hard work.
Click the click again to make the photos bigger.

Entrance to Nursery

We are delighted to say that our refurbished Nursery environment has been registered by the Care Inspectorate and we can now use it. Cloakroom areas are in place and children will be able to leave their coats and bags on individual pegs.
To ease congestion at the start and end of sessions, we will use two entrances starting from tomorrow, Thursday 17th November. Those children in the red and blue groups should continue to enter and leave via the door which we have been using since the start of the year. Those in the yellow and green groups should enter and leave via the door to the left of our previous entrance.
We would like to thank you for your patience while we have been undergoing these changes to our Nursery and hope that the refurbished environment will greatly enhance your child’s Nursery experience.

Special Books

We hope that you have enjoyed looking through the children’s special books with them at home. We would like to remind you to please return them tomorrow, Wednesday 16th November, along with the comment sheet which will be added to your child’s book as part of our ongoing evaluation.
Thank you to those who have already taken the time to share their thoughts with us about their child’s progress. We greatly value your views.

Delicious Vegetables

Two of our families are pleased to see the photos of the children trying different vegetables in the snack area.

“Good girl Chloe. Mummy and daddy are really pleased you like lots of different vegetables. These look delicious.”

“Nice to see Owen trying red pepper. He loves breadsticks!”

The snack area is always popular and it is encouraging when we see the children happy to try different types of foods.

Learning in the Snack Area

An important aspect of learning in Nursery happens in the snack area where children develop a wide range of skills. They develop self-help and social skills as well as fine motor control when helping to prepare their own snack. Literacy and Numeracy are also part of the experience through talking and listening or, for example, counting the number of pieces of fruit on their plates.
Healthy eating and lifestyle often forms part of our discussions and this week we took the opportunity to develop the children’s global awareness to encourage them to think about the origins of food as we talked about which country the different foods came from and how they arrived on our table. We had carrots, sweetcorn, cucumber and three different colours of peppers for the children to sample along with dip and breadsticks. Some were more confident than others to try a new taste but they all showed great enthusiasm to find out which part of the globe they had come from.
We will be encouraging the children to continue to think about the origins of different foods and to develop a broad range of skills and knowledge in the snack area. We hope that you enjoy these photos of some of our little food tasters.

Operation Christmas Child

We would like to remind you that anyone who wishes to donate the gift of a Christmas shoebox should bring them in to Nursery by this Friday, 11th November. Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and your kind donations will be sent to needy children who will undoubtedly be delighted with your gifts. Thank you so much to those families who have already donated a shoebox, it is greatly appreciated. Here are some of the children with their boxes ready to be collected.

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