Christmas Fayre

With the school Christmas Fayre tomorrow (Wednesday), we have been making chocolate Christmas shapes to sell on our stall. Discussions about what would happen when we put chocolate in the microwave then the fridge developed the children’s learning about science and we also used numeracy skills to count the squares of chocolate as we prepared our chocolate shapes.
We hope that lots of Nursery children and their families will be able to come to the Christmas Fayre tomorrow from 6.30 until 8.00 in school. We can certainly recommend the chocolate shapes to anyone who has a little money to spend – at 50p a bag we think that they are a tasty buy.

Christmas Hampers

All your kind donations have now been made up into two fantastic hampers which will go to two lucky winners on the evening of the Christmas Fayre (Wednesday 7th December). We think that anyone would be delighted to win such lovely gifts and thank you for your great generosity.
Click on the photos to see what lovely goodies you could win.

Deferred Year

The parents of those children who have birthdays between September and February, and are due to start school in August 2017 have already had a letter explaining the options re a deferred year in Nursery.
An information leaflet and application forms are available in Nursery for those who wish to apply for an additional year. Please ask staff for copies if you are interested in this option. The final application date is January 16th when applications must be in Dumfries.
We hope that you take the opportunity to speak to staff if you are unsure about your child’s readiness to move to Primary 1 next year and we can discuss our views.

Good Work!

Joshua H’s Mum likes the photos of the children decorating the Christmas tree:

“I love how Joshua concentrating on putting the christmas decorations on the tree. Good wee boy, what I love to see.”

She also kindly left a message for all the boys and girls who helped with the tree:

“Good work everyone, it’s looking very good ☺”

We think that they made a lovely job of it too. Well done everyone.

Christmas Has Arrived

Christmas arrived in Nursery on Friday when the Christmas tree appeared and the afternoon children were certainly excited when the Christmas decoration boxes were brought out for them to investigate. As you can see, they made a great job of decorating their tree as did those who painted a stable for a backdrop to our knitted nativity figures.
We think that lots of these children will be a great help when the Christmas decorations come out at home and we hope that everyone enjoys looking at the results of their hard work next week.

Christmas Make and Take

Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has added two more sessions for the Christmas Make and Take activity to help out those who were not available on the original dates. You can also now take part on Tuesday December 13th at 9.00-9.45 or 12.15-1.00. A new grid has been added to the others on top of the trays in the red and blue cloakroom so please feel free to add your name if you have not already chosen a slot.


Miss Calvert, our Childhood Studies student, finished her placement with us yesterday. As part of her course she made instruments with the children to use outdoors so we thought that we would share a few photos with you of her activity.
No doubt Miss Calvert will be missed by the children but she will be back in Nursery next term on her final placement so we look forward to seeing her again soon.

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