Primary 1 Enrolment

As you may be aware, P1 enrolment will take place tomorrow Tuesday, 10th January and Wednesday, 11th January 2016. You should enrol at your catchment primary school regardless of which school you prefer for your child. If you are unsure of your catchment school, please use the “find my nearest” tool on the website.

When visiting your catchment school you should take your child’s birth certificate together with proof that you live permanently at your address, for example Council tax bill, recent utility bill or bank statement.

Enrolment for Nursery for session 2017-18 will take place next month.

Come and Play

dadNew grids are now available on top of the red and blue group’s tray unit to choose a Nursery session to join in. We are delighted that some parents and carers have already taken this opportunity and hope that more will visit us this term. Please feel welcome to come in as many times as you wish or just for part of a session if you prefer.
As you can see from this photo, when Alyssa’s Dad came to play (and read lots of great stories), you will be very popular with the children and hopefully you will enjoy your visit.

Learning About Winter

As we arrived back on the first day of term, about to learn about the signs of winter, the weather was kind enough to provide hard, frozen ground and lumps of ice in the Nursery garden. Those playing outdoors were very excited with their frozen finds which prompted great discussion about what would happen if we brought the ice indoors. There was no need to wait today for our ice cubes to form in the freezer for our indoor tray, as these super scientists brought their lumps of ice indoors to see if their predictions were true. Thank you Mr. Jack Frost for providing us with a great learning opportunity and to these boys and girls for super teamwork.

Start of Term

Thursday 5th January, will be the start of term and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again, along with the six new children who will also be getting ready for their first day. We hope that they are excited to be starting Nursery and are looking forward to making new friends. No doubt everyone will make them feel welcome and we hope that this is the beginning of a happy experience for the children and their families.
Our morning session will have a soft start, as usual, between 8.45 and 9.10. The afternoon session will begin at 12.15. We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Foam Fun

Towards the end of term the children enjoyed experimenting with foam on a small table. Some took the opportunity to draw in the foam or write their names while others loved the sensory experience and were able to talk about how the foam felt and smelled which encouraged literacy skills as the children thought about their choice of words. Above all, they had great fun as we hope you can see from these photos.

Reindeer Food

The last few weeks have been so busy in Nursery as we learned the songs for our Christmas celebration, made cards and decorations, decorated the tree, made chocolate shapes for the Christmas Fayre … but one of the most important jobs of all was making our reindeer food. Here are some photos of the morning children busy with their preparations.

Christmas Jumper Day

The last day of term was “Christmas Jumper Day” and most joined in with the festive fun, putting a smile on everyone’s face with your fantastic jumpers. Lots of the children were very keen to perform Jingle Bells so they turned the climbing unit into a stage and sang their hearts out to get in the festive spirit. We hope that these photos make you feel as happy as the children felt on Wednesday.

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