Learning About Scotland

It’s lovely to see that you are able to make comments on our blog again. Georgia’s Mum enjoyed seeing the photos of the children making tartan:

“My clever girl”

Olivia’s Mum is also delighted with her learning about Scotland:

What super concentration! We have been really impressed by Olivia’s knowledge of Robbie Burns!! She has loved learning all the Scottish songs and in particular the Highland dancing which she has been teaching her sister! She was very upset to miss the Burns Supper though!:( Hope you all had fun!”

We did enjoy our Burns supper but we missed you Olivia. We will put photos on the blog soon so that you can see everyone. Well done for teaching your little sister the dance moves – she will know how to dance when she is a little older and comes to Nursery.

Dancing at Home

It’s so nice to see a family comment now that our blog problems are solved. Ava’s family has been looking at the photos of the children trying out Highland dancing:

“Ava had great fun doing the highland dancing she was even doing it at home.”

Well done Ava for having a go at home. The children really did enjoy dancing to the Scottish music and were asking for it again today.

Leave Your Comments

We are delighted to say that the recent problem with our blog has been resolved and you can now leave comments on posts again. We have been missing our families’ comments and look forward to you joining in with the blog again soon. I have given instructions below on how to post a comment as this has now changed slightly. There is also a link to these instructions on the right hand side of the blog page.

To add a comment, click on the word “comments” which is below the title of each post and beside the date of when it was posted. This takes you to the comment page.
Type in your name and e-mail address then write your comment in the box below. Click on the box that says “I’m not a robot” which is there as a security measure to avoid spam – you will probably be asked to click on a picture from that. Then simply click on “Submit”. Please be aware that, if you do not click on the “I’m not a robot” box your comment will not be sent.
Comments do not appear instantly as they are monitored before being published but should be on the blog within a day or two. Only comments which may cause offence or jeopardise children’s privacy and safety will be blocked.

Thank you for your patience as we are aware that some parents have wanted to leave comments recently and not been able to. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the blog again soon.

Highland Dancing

With the mood of Burns Day in the air, we put on some Scottish music this week and the children have loved it. This morning some had great fun enthusiastically learning a few steps of Highland dancing to the sound of the pipes. Just look at the happy faces of those dancers!
Click then click again on the photos for a clearer view.

Message From Mrs. Alexander

Happy New Year! Hope this note finds all the Hecklegirth staff and families enjoying the new school term and getting involved in the variety of opportunities on offer across the school community. I am enjoying my secondment to the GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) team and have been visiting schools across the length and breadth of the region to deliver training and support for school management teams on information sharing, new paperwork and procedures, Child Protection and wellbeing. It is also great to get the opportunity to gather examples of good practice during my visits which we then share with others- it is so good to share! Looking forward to catching up with all the pupils soon! From Mrs Alexander

Burns Day

girl-waving-scottish-flagWe would like to remind you that we plan to have a small celebration on Burn’s Day, Wednesday 25th January. It would add to the occasion if the children could wear a little ‘touch o’ tartan’. Hopefully most of them have or can borrow a hairband, a ribbon or a scarf for the day and anyone who has a kilt or a tartan outfit would certainly help us to celebrate the day in style. If your child does not have anything tartan, please do not buy anything new as this is a very informal occasion and they will hopefully enjoy themselves regardless of what they are wearing.
If you would like to hear the children singing their Scottish songs, after they have  enjoyed their little ‘Burn’s supper’, please come in early at 11.40 or 2.45.

Tartan Everywhere

As mentioned below, the children have been keen to access the art area as they have used different techniques to design their own tartan. As well as sticking different coloured strips to design tartan, they have been creating patterns with paint and different sizes of rollers as well as experimenting with a Paint program on the computer. I wonder if anyone can spot their own tartan?

Blog Problem

We would like to apologise for the fact that there is still a problem with leaving comments on our blog and so this facility is currently unavailable. We have reported this issue and hope that it will be resolved in the near future as we are missing your comments but will continue to share our posts with you. Sorry everyone.

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