Our Community

Learning about our community last term inspired the children to make models of some of the buildings we had talked about in Annan. After looking at photos of various familiar landmarks, they set to work in the art and craft area to make their own versions so we had our own little town comprising the police station, Greencroft Medical Centre and several other well known buildings which the children then used as part of their play. If you click on the photos to make them bigger you will see the great detail that the children put in their work.

Big Pedal Fun Day Take Two

Just like the morning children, those in the afternoon participated enthusiastically in all the super activities organised for Big Pedal Fun Day. Here is a selection of photos of the children in action on their bikes and scooters.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Great Photos

Ava’s family has been looking at the photos of the children enjoying Big Pedal Fun Day:

“Ava really enjoyed the big pedal fun day. She was telling all the family all about it. Great photos of all the children.”

It’s lovely to hear that Ava enjoyed herself. I hope that you can get out on your scooter in the holidays Ava.

Big Pedal Fun Day

The last day of term was Big Pedal Fun Day for everyone at Hecklegirth as the children brought bikes and scooters to participate in great fun activities in the school playground under the guidance of some super volunteers. Despite the very windy weather, the children showed great confidence and enthusiasm to try out the challenges set for them. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. The children had super fun and what a great way to keep fit and healthy. Let’s hope that they can have lots of fun in the holidays on their bikes and scooters.
Here are the morning children in action. Photos of the afternoon children will follow in the next day or two.

Happy Holidays

We hope that everyone is looking forward to a lovely Spring holiday with their family. Nursery is now closed until Tuesday 18th April but we still have some memories to share from last term so keep an eye on our blog for a few updates over the holidays. We hope that the sun shines over the next two weeks and that you all have a great break.

Our Mums

As we talked last week with some of the children about Mother’s Day, we asked what their mummies do for them and we would like to share some of their thoughts.

Harper: she lets me watch T.V.
Riley: she goes to the shop and buys me nice things.
Lily: Mummy helps me get dressed.
George: she makes me lunch.
Tom: she gets me Lego.
Quinn: she watches telly with me.
Charlie: she puts the computer on for me.
James: she reads me stories at bedtime.
Isaac: she makes me laugh.
Alyssa: she helps me make pancakes.
Danielle: she reads to me.
Priya: she hugs me.
Callum: she helps me get sweets out of the cupboard.
Vinnie: she gives me a gummy sweet every day.
Eli: she helps me wash dishes and now I know how to do it.
Bethany: she takes me to the park.
Olivia: she makes cakes with me.

What a lot of lovely examples of how kind and helpful Mums can be.

Bird Watching

Quinn and Harvey M’s families have been enjoying the photos of the visit by Kirsty from RSPB:

“This made me laugh as Quinn said she was watching birds through a telescope…..after some probing questions we discovered she meant binoculars. Xx”

“Harvey loves looking out for birds. Hes always feeding the birds that come to the garden at Granny’s house!”

I hope that you are all going to keep an eye out for different birds in the holidays. I wonder if you might see some that are different to the ones we see in the Nursery garden?

Red Nose Day

As you can see from our photos, the Nursery children took part with great enthusiasm in Primary 4’s challenge on Friday to wear something red for Red Nose Day.
Thank you to all those who bought red noses from us earlier in the week as you helped to raise £53 towards the Red Nose Day total and apologies to those who missed out as there wasn’t a single red nose left to buy in the whole school.
Thank you for all your donations and to Amelia’s family for their raffle prize which was won by Ava. Including red nose sales, the raffle and donations on the day Nursery families raised a grand total of £135.45 to add to the whole school contributions so thank you to everyone for their generosity.

The Bird Lady

Enid has been talking to her family about the visit by RSPB:

“Enid was very excited to tell me all about the bird lady as she described her when she came home from nursery. Sounds like they enjoyed learning about the birds.”

Kirsty’s activities certainly got the children very enthusiastic about looking out for birds in our garden and at home. We’re glad that you enjoyed her visit Enid.

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