Treasured Memories

How lovely that Isaac W’s family left this message for us as we finish our Nursery year:

“Thank you Hecklegirth Nursery. Xx”

Mrs. Kirkpatrick also left a comment on our ‘Memories’ post:

“Hopefully we have all made fab memories x”

and left a message for Anthony about his super work,

“Aw what a super self portrait very well done Anthony. I look forward to seeing it displayed in your p1 class 🌈

We hope that we have helped to create lots of memories for the children over the past year and that they might come back to look at our photos to help them think about everything they have experienced and achieved. We, as a staff, certainly greatly treasure those memories.

Sunshine, Fun And Laughter

There is no doubt that this has been a very unusual end to our year in Nursery and it has been disappointing that we have not been able to see all the children before their holiday.

However, we would like to share our video again of those who are moving to Primary 1 in August and wish all our children and their families a lovely summer holiday with lots of sunshine, fun and laughter. We hope that you all stay safe and happy. Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us.



Precious Keepsake

Isaac W’s family has been looking at the photo of him with his certificate:

“Thank you Hecklegirth Nursery this is a precious keepsake I really did not want to miss. Isaac was chuffed with his visit from Mrs Irving. Isaac is going to miss his fun days at nursery. XxXxx”

It is sad that the children were not able to have their graduation but nice to hear that Isaac will still treasure his certificate. We are glad you had fun days in Nursery Isaac. Have a great holiday.

Outdoor Projects

Construction is always popular both inside and outdoors and the children like nothing better than to become involved in a little project together that they will then be able to use in their play. This gallery demonstrates examples of this as you can see children making their own roads, investigation panel and music display. Regardless of weather, the children are happy to busy themselves with important tasks to create resources that they then love to use. What great satisfaction it brings when you can play with something you have made yourself!

Sensory Squishy Bags

Messy play is a lovely sensory experience for children and really encourages them to explore, discover and be creative. Squishy bags are great way to enjoy mess-free messy play! Although glitter and shiny stars make eye catching squishy bags, the use of natural items such as flowers and leaves can spark children’s creativity even more and children will enjoy choosing things to go into their squishy bag.

What do I need?
• Sealable transparent food bags or transparent food bags and tape
• Some kind of liquid such as hair gel, shower gel, baby oil, washing up liquid, cooking oil, shaving foam ….or just water.
• Paint or food colouring (not essential)
• A variety of different items such as flowers, leaves, grass, buttons, foam shapes, coins, glitter – in fact, anything that’s small enough, interesting and won’t burst the bag.

What do we do?
• Find a bag with your child, explaining that it needs to be leak proof. (Wonder together what that means?)
• Encourage your child to find some items to go into the bag.
• Help your child to put a little gel, oil, foam or water into the bag then add the items they have collected.
• Remember to squeeze out all the air before sealing the bag. The bag can be sealed more securely with tape when you’re sure the quantities are right.
• Now for the best part! Your child will enjoy using their hands and finger to squish, squash and move the items around the bag. Perhaps they would like to try using their feet or other parts of their body?
• Comment on what your child is doing and what is happening in the bag. Ask them how it feels.
• Once they have made one squishy bag, they will probably want to make another….and another! Encourage them to be creative and to choose different contents each time. You could try making a bag with a theme, such as one where all the items are the same colour.

We hope that you have fun together creating your squishy bags which, as well as encouraging creativity and developing fine motor skills, should be great stress relievers.

Messages From Mrs. Irving

Mrs. Irving has been looking at all the recent posts on our blog and has left some messages:

“Anthony, I love your self-portrait. What a super artist you are. How exciting it will be to see it displayed is school when you begin Primary 1.”

She loves the photos with the graduation certificates:

“How lovely it is to see all of these wee smiling faces! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures in Primary 1 where I know you will be awesome! 🙂 “

Mrs. Irving was delighted to see the photos of the bike art prize winners:

“Congratulations Freya and Jasmine! 🙂 🙂

She also loved Sophie’s activity suggestion:

“What a super idea Sophie. We have been loving watching the birds and other wildlife in our garden and when out walking during lockdown. Last week we were really excited to see two beautiful deer on our walk.”

Mrs. Irving, like all of us, just loved the graduation video of all the children moving on to Primary 1:

“Watching this video has me grinning like a cheshire cat. How lucky we are to spend our days playing and having fun with these bright wee buttons. A big thanks to all of our families for sharing your children with us xxx”

Mondrian Art

The children in the Rainbow Room spent some time last term looking at the work of Piet Mondrian, a Dutch artist best known for his abstract paintings.

They thought carefully about where to position their lines and which sections of their art work to fill with colour. As well as using pens, coloured paper and solid shapes were used on slate to create work in the style of Mondrian in different ways and the children developed their skills in Technologies by taking photos of their work.

So Excited!

Anthony’s family has been looking at our photos and left a lovely message:

“Aww Anthony was so excited when Mrs Irving came to see him and give him his certificate and his shell to decorate. He was super excited to draw his self portrait. all the nursery staff are just amazing thank you for having Anthony in your class.”

Thank you so much. We have loved seeing Anthony’s progress in his time with us and hope that he has a wonderful time in Primary 1 when the time comes.



We would like to share these super photos of one of our children busy with his self-portrait for Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon. We think that they will be delighted to display this wonderful work in the classroom ready for Primary 1 in August. Very well done and thank you for sharing your photos.

We hope that those moving on to Hecklegirth Primary 1 are all remembering to post a self-portrait through the school door ready to be displayed in your new classroom. Imagine how exciting it will be to see your work on the wall when you arrive at school on your first day.

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