Meet the Author – William Sutcliffe

Primary 4-7 pupils enjoyed an entertaining afternoon, thanks to visiting author William Sutcliffe who was organised to come to Dalbeattie Primary through the Scottish Book Trust. William Sutcliffe is the author of ‘Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom’. Mrs Dyson’s Primary 5 class were so eager to promote this hilarious book to others, that they created their own book trailer (available to watch on our school blog) to be shown at the start of the event. There was a lot of laughter when William Sutcliffe read extracts from his book and selected volunteers to dramatically act them out. The afternoon proved a rewarding experience for all; finding out more about the world of writing and receiving top tips. Pupils were delighted when he took time to sign copies of his book. This was an exciting event for our pupils and William Sutcliffe commented on the wonderful enthusiasm shown.

One thought on “Meet the Author – William Sutcliffe”

  1. I hope you all enjoy reading ‘Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom’ by William Sutcliffe. I love William Sutcliffe’s style of writing, which had my class laughing out loud and eager to read on. I am looking forward to reading his sequel: ‘Circus of Thieves on the Rampage’.

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