Class Trip – Dundee Ice Arena

On  Monday 26th June, P7 went ice-skating at Dundee Ice Arena as part of an end-of-term treat.

Everyone had lots of fun developing their confidence on the ice and mastering some very impressive ice-skating skills.  It was great seeing less confident pupils overcoming their nervousness on the ice and by the end of the mornings’ session, the whole class assembled in the middle of the rink for a group photo.

Well done boys and girls!

Arriving at Dundee Ice Arena

P7 on the ice

In the middle of the rink
Mrs MacPhail and some P7 pupils
Confident Skater

Newspaper Article Analysis – Fact V Opinion/Balanced V Bias

As part of our Literacy this term, Primary 7 are studying the layout and organisation of newspaper articles. We are studying effective headlines which grab the reader’s attention, fact v opinion and balanced v bias.

Pupils chose newspaper articles which are of interest to them and highlighted 2 facts and one opinion in each article.  They were asked to share their findings with the rest of the class.

Over the next few weeks, P7 will carry out independent research on a famous person of their own choosing. This task has helped to remind pupils that sometimes information acquired through the internet and the media may be misleading as it may be based on personal opinion or bias.

Sports Section
Strachan and the SFA
Fact V Opinion