- 3,504
- 1,659
- 11,095
- 9,706
- 682
- 345
- 693
- 2,420
- 15
- 24
- 42
- 32
Morning everyone!☀
Can you punctuate the following sentences …🤔
Below is a reminder of different types of punctuation.
73 x 48
21 x 79
317 x 35
422 x 23
22 x 31
15 x 23
33 x 21
44 x 55
💡Here is reminder of the grid method.
3 x 5
4 x 6
7 x 6
8 x 4
Morning all!
The plan for today looks like….
To try and make your learning more exciting I have decided to pick a topic for you all to research. I have chosen ….
Over the next few weeks you will look at different areas that explore the way in which the Earth functions. I will post the ‘mini topic’ you are going to research weekly. You can record your findings in your literacy jotter or if you have spare paper available you may wish to make a fact file similar to our WW2 one. I am going to research it too!
I have chosen this topic because there are so many things you can learn and it is all engaging. Some facts you may not get your head around but that’s what makes it fun!
I am going to give you the link to the site where you will find all of your information and facts. The site has great videos, diagrams that you can copy and quizzes so you can test your knowledge.
This week you are going to look at Seasons! Around the world there are four seasons – spring, summer autumn and winter but the northern and southern parts of the Earth have the same seasons but at different times. You are going to find out about seasons and how it is possible for it to be summer in one country and winter in another?
If you click the link you will find the page below and the answers…
What is happening today?
Task 1 – Complete the simile…
Task 2- Can you use similes to describe this picture? Feel free to draw a picture and put it in your literacy book.
Complete a worksheet of your choice.
Do 1 maths challenge from the Rigour maths calendar. Triangles and Squares choose second level and Circles choose first level. The calendars are on the blog, just search ‘maths calendar’ and the links are there.
Then if you wish, spend some time on sumdog.
Have a nice day p6!
Hello primary 6!😃
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break!
Welcome to term 4. As you will all be aware schools are still closed, therefore, I will continue to upload blog posts.
The expectation whilst the schools are shut is for you to continue working with your home learning packs, websites and engaging with blog posts.
Blog posts will be related to all our prior knowledge and previous learning.
Remember if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.
Take care ❤️