All posts by Miss Thompson

Our Exciting New RWI Bookbag Books

You may have noticed your child already coming home with one of our new and exciting RWI ‘bookbag’ books (and if not, they soon will be!) These books directly link to the RWI phonics storybook your child is working on in school and are specially designed for a family environment to promote and encourage reading for enjoyment and build understanding and speed when reading independently.  The short video above has some information for parents about these new books.  However, if you have any questions regarding these, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Our children deserve the best!  As a school we have invested quite a sum of money into ensuring all children love to read both at school and at home and these books will help with this.  We ask for your support in ensuring they are enjoyed, shared but also returned to school by the specified day (your child will know when this is).  The books will be given to children in a nice new plastic wallet to help keep our lovely new reading material looking fabulous!   Enjoy reading them together as a family!


Miss Thompson

P.2 -Welcome to P.2!

We are having so much fun in P.2.

We played games to learn about each other and have been exploring our classroom. Its been fun finding new toys and playing with our friends again.

I am enjoying getting to know everyone!

 We have an old cuddly farm dog ” Waffle” who likes to listen to stories.

We are learning all about farms and how food arrives at our homes and school.

We have been remembering the number work we covered in P1 and playing with the plastic rods which we will be using for number work soon in P2.

Its great fun in P2!

I look forward to more learning fun this year.


Mrs Taylor