Primary 2-Games to play for homework

Why not try these games?

To practise number bonds to 10: 


For practising number sequencing:

and ( you can select the range of numbers in this game)





selecting medium level.

Find dot- to – dots here:

Identify numbers in the 100 square:

In connection with our learning about the journey of food:

We have been looking at how shapes fit together in a tiling pattern. This game is great fun to practice tiling:

Watch cows being milked on this video clip:

Practising reading using special friends ( groups of letters to make a new sound) – select the sound your child has been learning this week in their RWInc group( They will be able to tell you)The orange and green groups have just been looking at “ay”:

This is a word recognition game:

We know that we need a capital letter at the start of a sentence and the start of our names, but sometimes we forget what this capital letter looks like. This game helps you practise:


For jigsaws, why not try:











Primary 2 -Tiling

On our walk we looked for 2D shapes which fit together well without spaces in between.

We discovered that rectangles fit together well and back in class we put rectangles together to make a tile pattern for the farmhouse kitchen floor.

Then we looked at which other shapes fit together well.

Primary 2 – Handwriting fun!

It was great fun practising our handwriting using scarves and paintbrushes and even more fun when we took our learning outside.

On this occasion we practised writing a and d.

“Around the apple and down the leaf” is our story for forming a and ” round his bottom,(of the dinosaur) up his tall neck and down to his toes ” for forming d.

P2 -Making rules

We have been thinking about how to keep ourselves happy in P2.

Here are some of the rules we have chosen:

Always listen carefully!

Keep the class tidy!

Be kind to each other and help them when they need some assistance!

Line up sensibly and keep your hands and feet to yourself!