Home Learning 04.05.20

Morning P1. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I can’t believe we’re already in the month of May!

I am working in one of the hub schools this week so there will be no new homework grid from me this week.I have re posted last weeks grid just in case there are a few activities you didn’t get a chance to do.

Home Learning Grid 3

Remember there is PE with Joe Wicks every morning at 9am.



I’ve also created a Sumdog competition which will be live all this week. Your logins were in your pack that was sent home but if you need your login again just ask.



Continue to look at the literacy activities in our grid frim last week but I have also posted below a list of spellings words to can do as well as a ditty reading worksheet.

RWI_OnlineDitties (1)


May is the month of Mary. I’ve attached a powerpoint below so you can learn the importance of Mary during this month. You could design a stained glass window just like this picture too.

ROI-RE-3-Creating-a-May-Altar-PowerPoint (1)


I will still be on Teams everyday so if you have any questions just let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I have re-added a list of useful websites you can go onto. Lots on here to keep up with your learning.

Updated websites

Learning webistes

Hope you and your family are still keeping safe and well. I’m really missing seeing you everyday at school.

Take Care,

Mrs Corrie xx

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