Monthly Archives: January 2020

Week beginning 13.01.20

This week in numeracy we have started to learning the number bonds to 5. We looked at all the different ways we could add to 5.

We had some digital technology time with the P7S. We created pictures of minibeasts using the active inspire software.

In H&WB we started to look at what animals live on a farm and where certain types of food comes from. We began to create our own farms.

Our new topic this term is all about minibeasts. We are going to have a ‘Creepy Crawly Corner’ for our roleplay area,  so we started colouring in some minibeast to help decorate our corner.

Week beginning 07.01.20

This week we have settled back into our school routine after enjoying our Christmas holidays .

In maths we have been recapping our counting skills within  numbers to 10.

In literacy  we wrote Thank You letters to Santa and learnt how to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

We have been learning about the new year and we made our own New Years resolutions and talked about what things we would like to get better at this year:  – We want to get better at tidying our rooms,  being kinder to our brothers and sisters and getting better at playing football!