P1 Parent Information

P1 Parent Information

Please find below information regarding how we teach Numeracy and Literacy in P1 at St Pius.ย ย  Numeracyย  Numeracy Parent Info   Literacy Literacy Parent Info
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Miss Mackay & Mrs Corrie

Week beginning 21.09.20

Primary 1 have had a great week this week. Here are some of the fun things we’ve been learning about.

In PE we were working on our hand-eye coordination and were trying to balance the ball on a bat. We had lots of fun and found it quite tricky but we know we can keep practising to get better.

In literacy we have been continuing with learning our sounds and we even tried writing some words using Fred talk and Fred fingers.

This week we also had a visit from Justin who works with Active Schools. In our outdoor learning time he taught us new games to play, and we had great fun practising our hopping and jumping skills.

We’ve still been learning about 2d shapes. We did a shape hunt to see how many different shapes we could find. We used tally marks to record our answers.

In HWB we talked about our friendships and we made posters showing the things a good friend would do.

We even had a lovely visit from Father Ninian too.

We continued to talk about the different things in our local community. We went on to googles maps and navigate dour way from school to Asda. We then looked at pictures of the ABC park in Douglas and we then designed our own playparks. Well done everyone, these were fab!!

Well done to Zac who was our Star Pupil this week for showing great enthusiasm towards his learning. ย 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Supper work this week ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs Corrie xx

Week beginning 14.09.20

What a super week we have had in Primary 1. Here are some of the fun things we have been up to.

We’ve been doing our numbertalk on whiteboards, showcasing the different ways we can represent numbers.

We did our literacy outside in the sunshine and we practised writing our names and our sounds.

We talked about different types of houses and the we drew pictures of the houses we live in.

We’ve been enjoying our soft start mornings and spending times with our friends.

We spoke about what makes a good friend and we know we need to share and listen and be kind to others.

Well done to Millie this week! She was our Star Pupil for being safe and respectful in school towards others!!


And of course we managed to squeeze in some time in the sunshine playing with our friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Well done everyone for working so hard. We’ve had a busy week. Enjoy your weekend!! ๐Ÿ™‚


Mrs Corrie xx

Week beginning 07.09.20

We have had a great week of learning this week.

In Maths, we have been matching quantities to numbers, using pom poms and tweezers. We used the interactive whiteboard to practise writing our numbers and we made number towers using cubes. In literacy we have been really practising our writing this week. We have made our sounds using playdoh and glitter which was lots of fun. , Our formation work this week has been great. We’re doing lots of fine motor skills activities to make our fingers strong for our pencil grip. ย 

We have had lots of time outside playing with our friends. We got to use the big equipment on the grass and we had lots of fun.

We read the story of the colour monster again. We talked about our feelings and wrote down the things that made us feel happy, scared, sad, angry, calm and loved. Everybody joined in with the class discussions sharing their ideas.ย  This week we had our first Star Pupil Certificate. This went to Vinnie for showing great active listening skills and knowing not to interrupt when someone is talking. Well done Vinnie!! Again I am so so sorry about the photos. There seems to be an error and I hope to getthis fixed soon.   Have a great weekend Primary 1 ๐Ÿ™‚

Week beginning 31.08.21

We have had such a busy week in Primary 1. We have loved being in full days and we have done lots of learning.

In literacy we have practised writing our name. We have learnt 3 new sounds; p, g and o. We have practised our formation of letters and saying our sounds. We read the story of the Gingerbread Man and made missing posters for him!!

In maths and numeracy we have been doing lots of counting forwards and backwards. We have been focusing on ordering numbers and figuring out what numbers come before and after, We have also learn about 2d shapes and we created a shape pizza using. circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.

Our topic has been learning about our community. We looked at our local are and discussed all the people that can help us. We then talked about our journey to school and drew pictures of what things we see on our journey to school.

Unfortunately there seems to be a problem just now and we can’t upload any photos ๐Ÿ™