Week beginning 14.09.20

What a super week we have had in Primary 1. Here are some of the fun things we have been up to.

We’ve been doing our numbertalk on whiteboards, showcasing the different ways we can represent numbers.

We did our literacy outside in the sunshine and we practised writing our names and our sounds.

We talked about different types of houses and the we drew pictures of the houses we live in.

We’ve been enjoying our soft start mornings and spending times with our friends.

We spoke about what makes a good friend and we know we need to share and listen and be kind to others.

Well done to Millie this week! She was our Star Pupil for being safe and respectful in school towards others!!


And of course we managed to squeeze in some time in the sunshine playing with our friends 🙂

Well done everyone for working so hard. We’ve had a busy week. Enjoy your weekend!! 🙂


Mrs Corrie xx

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