What a fast term! The summer holidays are fast approaching and we have so much more to try and squeeze into the next 5 weeks! We have sports, trips, prize giving, holiday days! Busy, busy, busy!

This term we have been looking at information about this Olympics and are looking forward to when they start. I hope you will all try and follow the events and medalists throughout the summer holidays!

We are continuing to work on the Olympics wth Miss Ahmad and are introducing a gardening topic with Mrs Paton where we will be trying to think of ideas to develop the garden area around the astro turf. We will keep you posted about this as volunteers and gardening donations may be essential to get us going!!

I am delighted to report that many of you are really enjoying the new homework grids we are doing. Most people are making an effort to choose and carry out at least 1 task per week.  There are a few of you who have put a fantastic amount of work into producing neat, accurate homework and 2 or 3 who are “thinking out the box” in the way you are delivering your tasks. We have had photographs of homework being done at home in a variety of ways, amazing family trees and actual t.shirt design! I am so impressed that you are thinking for yourselves to come up with original ideas, well done and keep it up P3!

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