Fantastic February!

We have had a fantastic month of February with Fitclub, moving and decorating of our classroom and all the usual busy day to day learning we do! Fitclub has been great fun with Ally and Naomi on a Tuesday afternoon. They have taugtht us all about the 5 main food groups – dairy, fats & sugars, carbohydrates, fruit & veg and protein. We have also learned that it is important for kids to have a maximum of 2 hours TV/computer time per day, at least 1 hour of physical activity a day and to try and eat 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day.

We have to make a huge thank you to Mrs McDonald for letting us have our classroom decorated and to the janitors and Mrs McLean for helping us move and giving us a learning space while the work has been done. We are so proud of the room, it really looks great!

One thought on “Fantastic February!”

  1. Hello Primary 3

    You are a very lucky class having a newly decorated classroom. Are you all still looking after it. You have your new pinboards up too so you can now display all your beautiful work again.

    Have you enjoyed Fit Club? I know Miss Gauld and Miss Dunlop have enjoyed organising it for you!

    Keep up the super work Primary 3.

    Mrs Cassidy

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