February 2012

Well done to P3 for winning the most tokens and earning time in the sunshine room this week!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about minibeasts. We have been classifying beasties, and learning what makes up a minibeast. We have been using words like thorax, abdomen and head to help us. Our class book (James and the Giant Peach) has inspired us to write some interesting adventures that have creepy crawlies in them!

We have also had a huge spelling test of the 200 most commonly used words in the English language. It was very tiring to do but we got there!  Our results and a follow-up sheet have been put into our diaries so we can practise the harder words regularly at home.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend in February. I will look forward to reading your weekly blogs to find out what interesting things you have been up to!

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