Happy New Year!

We have got off to a great start this new year! P3 have come into school with a wonderful positive, hardworking attitude. They are tackling each new task with great enthusiasm and teamwork. We had a wonderful team effort with homework last week, as for the first time in P3, the whole class completed and handed homework in on time last week!  We were so excited! The class finally got their gold coin put on the rainbow of achievement! Keep it up for this week, folks!

The behaviour in our class has been wonderful so far. Everyone has been trying so hard to stay off red. Because of that, this weeks gold coin will be awarded to the class if no one is on red all week.  Its going to be tricky for some, but I’m sure with the help and support of their friends they will manage it!  Good luck!

One thought on “Happy New Year!”

  1. It has been lovely to read about what P3 are and have been up to. Look forward to hearing more about your new topic.
    …From Tom’s Mum.

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