Fireworks Assembly

Primary 3 produced a very successful assembly about Fireworks night where they explained the history behind Guy Fawkes Night and interesting facts and safely advice for bonfire night. They were all dressed in fire colours and everyone individually stood up and very clearly said all their words into a microphone with little help from their prompt cards. Miss Ahmad and myself are very proud of you all for learning your words so well!

Thank you to all the parents who came along to enjoy the assembly with the class and thank you all very much for helping your children learn their words, making the assembly such a success!

Our topic this term is “George’s Marvellous Medicine.” We will be using this topic to create ideas for learning such as character studies, potion and spell writing, recipies using weight and volume. We have already started to hear about the lovely Grandma so please ask us and we will explain what she is like!

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