The boys and girls of Primary 2/3 have been busy designing some gaming pods they would like to build. These pods would act as a storage area for an xbox 360, kinect sensor and television for the equipment we are currently using in our class project. The children were asked to use what they knew about the game, about wild animals in general and also their own creativity to come up with a design which could be wrapped around the old bookcase we are currently using.
Every single person in the class approached the task with a lot of enthusiasm and so much creativity that we decided to turn them into 3D models. We even added some shelves into the models and a cut out of an xbox with the television and kinect sensor to get a true idea of what our designs would be like if we had the chance to build it for real.
I am sure you will agree that the designs are fantastic and that they would certainly help to make any project or activity more interesting and exciting for others to use. We hope to do some similar for our next project on the Olympic Games and this time we will choose a design to build to full size.
Well done everyone! You have all did a fantastic job.
Mr Robertson