Last day of spring term!

What a busy week we have had! We studied Michael Rosen’s poem Chocolate Cake and worked in groups to recite the poem, adding drama to bring it to life. We made Viking longships out of recycling and painted them. We continued our work on time in mathematics, learning how to tell the time on different kinds of clocks. In Art and Craft we made Mother’s Day cards after learning about Mothering Sunday. On Tuesday we took part in a Blue Planet live lesson where we learned about environmental issues.

Last week of February!

P4L improved their IT skills by typing up their 500 word stories editing and up levelling them as they typed. We learned how to save and re-open a document as well as how to check our spelling.

Our Viking topic continues and this week we learned about how the Vikings traded both home and abroad and produced some posters to illustrate what we had learned. 

We also completed our bronze and silver brooches which would fetch a handsome price at any Viking market!

We continued investigating fractions. This week we looked at equivalent fractions using play doh, glass beads and shapes to show fractions that were equal.