P4 were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Smith this week. Mr Smith works at the Smith Museum in Stirling and came to tell us all about the river Forth. We learnt all about the geography of the Forth and the history of the bridges. We loved learning more about the Forth and it has given us lots of new ideas about what else we’d like to learn as part of their topic.

Class Newsletter – Term 1


Miss Lewis and P4L

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

We hope you all had a lovely summer holidays, P4 have already started working hard. This term Primary 4 will receive Music from the Expressive Arts team but should still bring a painting shirt as Art will take place within the class.   Brand new Red Communication poly pockets have been distributed to every child.  We ask you look out for these in your child’s school bag as it will have information about homework and be used for other school communication.

You will be able to follow what we have been doing in class each week by looking at our class blog. This can be accessed via the link on our class page on the school website.

Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be completed by Thursday. There will a selection of Numeracy and Literacy (spelling and reading) activities and occasionally topic related tasks.

Please ensure your child has an appropriate snack kept separately from their lunch.   Your child should also have a clearly labelled water bottle everyday which is filled prior to arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a labelled weather appropriate jacket as there will be outdoor learning opportunities.

Family Learning Journals

Family Learning Journals will be issued prior to Parents’ Evening and will contain one piece of Literacy, Numeracy, Topic and a piece of work chosen by your child. This will give you an opportunity to see a snapshot of your child’s learning.

Class Dojo

To promote positive behaviour Primary 4 are using Class Dojo. Please note we cannot access the messaging aspect of Class Dojo, should you need to contact us please do so by telephone or in writing.

PE days

Monday, Tuesday and Friday

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic River Forth and Ochils we will be learning about/to:

  • Explore various maps of local area.
  • Re-create maps detailing various information of area – towns, roads, land, water.
  • Interpret different maps, identifying key features to understand maps.

Core Literacy:

Our targets this term for reading will be:

  • Distinguishing between fact and opinion
  • Continuing to develop our comprehension skills
  • Increasing independent reading.

For writing, we will be working on:

  • Developing the ability to create a setting which is part of a bigger story, using descriptive words and phrases
  • Identifying and using adverbs and pronouns.

For listening and talking, we will be focusing on:

  • Listening and focus on hearing specific information that has been identified prior to the task.
  • Asking and respond to different types of questions with confidence, to show understanding of the main ideas of a spoken text.

Core Numeracy:

Our main areas of focus for maths this term will include:

  • Place Value
  • Adding and subtracting up to 1000
  • Sequencing and ordering numbers
  • Mental addition and subtraction up to 100

We will also be learning about Islam and Internet Safety.

Health and Wellbeing:

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable then to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous new grounds.

We would appreciate your support in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, both in your child’s morning snack and in their packed lunch. We would discourage any type of fizzy juice in school or energy drinks.  Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can use during class time.  There are water fountains situated throughout the school for daily use.

Please encourage your child to participate in the Active Sports Clubs that are on offer at lunchtimes and after school, as well as any school based clubs that take place throughout the year. Keep looking in school bags for further information.

A reminder that all children who cycle or scooter to school must wear a safety helmet and ‘walk’ their bikes whilst in the playground. There are bike racks available.

Class Birthdays

We always celebrate if a member of the class has a birthday however we would request that birthday cakes are not brought into school to share with the class. In school, we have children with allergies who may be at risk from some ingredients. The cutting up and distributing of birthday cake also cuts into valuable learning time.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime. Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent. We appreciate your support with this matter.

Cuddle On Couch/ Book & Blether:

Please look out for further information on the dates and times for Cuddle on the Couch and Book and a Blether. These are a chance for parents/carers to spend time with their children promoting reading.

I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards

Miss Lewis