October break!

In maths we have invested our times tables using patterns and also maths investigations working as a group.

In literacy we went for a senses walk and looked, listened, felt and smelled all the autumnal things around us.  Then we wrote a poem about all the things we saw, using adjectives to make it interesting.

In RME we have looked inside a Buddhist temple and have learned about a day in the life of a Buddhist monk.

We have learned about using the internet safely with a catchy song and we have logged onto sumdog for the first time.  The sumdog logins are now in homework jotters and can be accessed from home.

In PE we learned about possession and played benchball and rugby.

Week 7

We have been practising number bonds in mental maths.  We have been looking at number patterns.

We have been learning our French numbers and colours.  We have also been learning our song for the harvest assembly.

We have been reading The adventures of Alfie Onion as our class novel.  We have also read an excerpt from Alfie’s Feet by Shirley Hughes and answered questions about it.

We have designed our own Buddhist temple, thinking about the features that it has.

We have been finding out about the learning pit and why mistakes help our brain to grow.