Week 6

One of the exciting things we have done this week is to make slime.  We used PVA glue and lots of other ingredients to make it.  We then sold the slime to make money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

To tell the school about the coffee morning we went around classes in the green and purple wing.  We felt proud of ourselves for speaking in front of the older children.

In art, we made flowers as table decorations, which meant we didn’t have to buy any.  We used the milk bottles as vases and put rice to make it stable.

We have raised money by running the Macmillan Coffee morning.  We all worked hard and got a cake at the end!  Thank you to all those who came and helped out!

We have learned about the shape of the Buddhist temple and the meaning of each part.  The square base represents earth, the dome represents water, the spire represents fire, the crescent represents air and the pinnacle represents wisdom.  Next week we are going to design our own temple with these components.

Week 5

In literacy we made jam sandwiches, we ate them and then we wrote the recipe to tell someone else how to make them

In maths we have been practising following instructions and reading the words we need.

We have started making Christmas cards!  These will be coming home next week!

In RME we have made Tibean prayer flags.  We drew an animal – a dragon, a snow lion, a tiger and a bird – and wrote a nice mantra on on the flag.  Buddhists believe that these good wishes are spread by the wind.

Week 4

In literacy we have been writing a recipe for the perfect friendship.  We put in things like a spoonful of kindness, 100 ml of funny, 99 litres of honesty and a spoonful of trust.

In maths we have been practising our number bonds to 20 as part of our mental maths and we used money to practise counting in 1s, 10s and 100s.  We have started using a counting stick to think about properties of numbers.

We wrote a poem about our emotions.  We have given and listened to presentations about the eco-committee.  Well done to Zack who was elected to represent P3S!  We have also rehearsed our Macmillan coffee morning presentation.

Whilst learning about Buddhism we thought about the 4 Noble Truths and after watching a short film of the story of the Pigeon and the Crow, we thought about the difference between needs and wants.  We also learned about the 3 jewels of Buddhism.

P3S week 3

This week we have been learning about how 10 more than, and 10 less than and some of us have been learning about 100 more or less.  We have been practising  counting in 3s and 4s.

This week we have written a recipe for our own version of George’s Marvellous Medicine.  We have been making posters for the Macmillan Coffee morning – look out for them around the school!

In RME we have been continuing our learning about Buddha and Buddhism.  We have learned about the three jewels of Buddhism. One was Buddha himself, one was his teachings, and one was all the Buddhists in the world.

We have practising throwing and catching in PE and playing possession games.