All posts by Ms Fuller

Happy New Year

We all started back on Monday,  after a lovely Christmas and New  Year! We began the week by making our resolutions for 2019! Do you think we will be able to keep them?

What  else have we been doing?

Roman Numerals

Sketch books for Art

Alexander the 3rd and king Henry the 3rd.


The first join …../ …. ( ai, ay, ey )

Have a lovely weekend!




Didn’t We Do Well!

Well, this  week was “Concert Week”.  All the staff were extremely proud of us. We all did a fantastic job! And , on top of all that, Miss Fuller made us work. Can you believe that! We were rounding to the nearest 10, putting words into alphabetical order and we  made Magical Reindeer Dust ( animal friendly). When are our holidays?


Term 2

Well who can believe that week one of term two is finished…. ‘done and dusted!  Miss Fuller was delighted to hear all the holiday news. What an exciting and fun time people had. This week we have been learning  about Compound words, adding on 11 and 9 and have started our Topic which is Forces. Next week is very exciting….. Halloween!!!!


Well, we are delighted that the holidays have finally arrived! Miss Fuller has worked us hard. We have been very busy learning how to form our letters correctly and thinking about the size of the lettters. We have also been learning about the features of  Non Fiction texts and have completed 2 book reviews. We have been acting out scenarios that relate to the 8 Fold Path in Buddhism and working together to practise the 4 x Table. No wonder that we  are in need of our holidays! Have a fabulous time!

October News

Wow…. what a quick term! We can’t believe it is October already and we only have one week until the holidays! This week we have been learning the 3 and the 4x Tables. We have been writing Instructions in our Functional Writing lesson.  Watch out mums and dads…… we now know how to make SLIME!!!! We did lots of work about the Harvest and we are already to sing ‘ Food, Glorious Food’ at the assembly this afternoon. We need to sign off now as it is nearly lunch!

Story Writing


Well this week we have been extremely imaginative. We have been learning to plan and write an imaginative story. The creative juices were flowing! It was very exciting! The story was set in the woods. The time of year….. Autumn. We are desperate for Miss Fuller to read them…….we may even put them in the Library along with all the other imaginative stories!

McMillan Coffee Morning

Well this week, we have started preparing for the Coffee Morning. We have been designing posters. Look out for them , they will be displayed all around the school. Miss Fuller has been preparing our lines and getting them ready for next week’s homework. We are going  to visit all the classes in the school , delivering a PowerPoint presentation all about the charity and the fabulous work it does. Wonder when the baking starts………….

This week we have been learning all about our emotions and how they can affect your  physical and mental health. We have learned  some fabulous words (Wow Words) such as anxious and joyful . Miss Fuller is going to put them on the wall so that we can add detail to our writing. We are  in the process of painting ” feeling faces” and are looking forward to finishing them.

In Maths, we have been revising our number bonds our times tables. Jack Hartman has been helping us and we enjoy moving and dancing to the beat as we recite our numbers.