P1 Performance

This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed practising and then performing the story of The Enormous Turnip to their families. It was lovely to see such confident individuals as well as amazing support from families. Thank you so much!

The children also received a visit from a local farmer who spoke about the types of seeds that grow on their farm and the machinery involved in looking after the seeds from planting to cultivation. The children enjoyed this very much, especially planting their own runner beans.

In Numeracy we have finished looking at halves and quarters and have now introduced the concept of multiplication by firstly learning to count in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Practise of this at home would be very helpful.

In Literacy we have learned a new sound, ‘ea’ like ‘eat’ or ‘steam’

Reading books have been sent home again after all of our long weekends are (almost) over. The children are doing so well within reading. Encouragement at home of different strategies would be good. This would include sounding out a word. Looking at the picture for clues or reading on to try and make sense of the tricky word.

Have a lovely long weekend.

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