Author Archives: Miss Wright


Nursery children enjoyed the Halloween parties and took part in various activities throughout the day:

  • Musical bumps
  • Corners game
  • Dooking for apples
  • Finding objects in gloop
  • Stick the nose on the pumpkin
  • Find the hidden sweeties
  • Party food
  • A tour of the school

Our longer learners also enjoyed a visit to Menstrie House in the morning.

Here are some pictures from the day:



Autumn Walk

Today nursery children enjoyed a walk in our local area to explore the changes which have taken place in the environment.

We collected sticks, sycamore seeds (or helicopters) and a variety of sizes, types and colours of leaves. We also tried our very best to find some conkers.

We had lots of fun splashing in the puddles and walking through the squelchy mud in our wellies.

We would like to say thank you to those parents and grandparents who were able to join us. These outings would not be possible without your support.



Wee Scones

This term, our Wee Scones Cafe has reopened. Pre-school children will take on the role of waiters and waitresses and will have the opportunity to serve customers at the cafe.

The cafe provides children with opportunities to:

  • share their own ideas
  • work as part of a team work
  • develop their social skills
  • use menus and order forms
  • explore money and its value
  • improve their knowledge of number and counting

You will receive a personal invite to the cafe in the coming weeks.



At the moment, we have no adult helpers for our Autumn walk! In order for this to take place we require some volunteers.

If you can help on Wednesday 25th October (morning or afternoon), please let a member of staff know.

Thank you

Lending Library

Next week (23.10.17) we will begin our new lending library.

Your child will receive their own canvas book bag and will be able to choose one book at a time to take home. As soon as they are finished with the book they have chosen, they may bring it back and choose another one.

Please note: you must return the book you have borrowed in order to borrow another book.

Key workers will organise the books for the children in their groups.


European Day

As part of the whole school European Day, nursery children have been learning about France.

We learned:

– how to sing Frere Jacques

– some basic language

– about some places and building

– about French food

– about the flag

Play on Pedals

This term we started Play on Pedals with a small group of children. We will be learning about the different parts of the bike, how to put on a helmet, gliding, steering, mounting and dismounting, balance and control, slow speed control and pedalling.


Nursery children have been noticing the changes in our environment. On Friday afternoon we went for a walk to collect some leaves and some sycamore seeds (helicopters).

Some children have brought leaves from home and have enjoyed printing using paint and pressing/drying leaves.