Monthly Archives: September 2016

Welcome to Menstrie Nursery – Term One

We would like to welcome back all of our returning children and welcome our new children and families who have or will be joining us. This is a busy term for the staff settling in returning and new children!


The children are beginning to harvest the vegetables that were planted before the summer holidays. This is an exciting time for the children as they use their senses to touch, smell and taste the produce. We have picked, washed and tasted the plums, carrots and potatoes so far. We are eagerly watching the turnips, leeks and apples grow and ripen.

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We have had a visit from Childsmile and Elvis the dog. We were learning how to brush our teeth properly and what foods are good for your body and teeth.

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Flourishing Communities

During this term we will be focusing on the meaning of ‘safe’ and ‘healthy’ with the children.  This is the beginning of various workshops which will be ongoing throughout the school year and will cover the meanings of:

  • Safe
  • Healthy
  • Achieving
  • Nurtured
  • Active
  • Respected
  • Responsible
  • Included

Some of the children visited Menstrie House where they took some nice chocolates for the residents and sang some songs. Both the children and residents enjoyed the visit and we hope to do this again soon.