Hi P3E


Hi P3E, 

It’s me Elfie, Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell your Teacher but I have found a way on to her blog. I have heard some of you talking about some of my friends staying with you. I was wandering if you could share some of your stories on this blog, as I really miss them sometimes. If you don’t have one of my friends staying with you I thought you could share some of your questions or even let me know what you might like from Santa Clause this year. I might be able to put a good word in. Can’t wait to hear from you all. 



11 thoughts on “Hi P3E”

  1. I don’t have an elf in my house but this is what I would like from Santa: some Shopkins, Supergraph, Bopit and a Daisy and the trouble with kittens book. Please put a good word in for me! Thank you.

    1. I will definitely put in a good word for you Rebecca. You showed me really good examples of team work yesterday on our French word hunt. For example listening to others and sharing the jobs. These are important skills we Elves have to use in our workshop leading up to Christmas. Thanks for sharing.


  2. I have a little Rudolf reindeer in my house who gets up to mischief every night. So far he has hung upside down from the Christmas tree, got stuck in the cookie jar, wrapped himself in toilet paper and played with my trucks. He has even written me a letter but some of his writing was back to front! One morning i couldn’t find him because he was inside a cushion! He’s a funny wee fella!

    1. That sounds like Rudolf alright. What great fun you both must be having. Say hi to him for me. Hope you guys have lots more fun before Santa arrives. Merry Christmas Cameron, From Elfie x

  3. I don’t have one of your friends staying with me. I don’t know if you are real but I believe you are. I hope to get an art set for Christmas this year. Can you put a good word in for me?

    Love Zoë

    1. Hi Zoë, Thank you for writing to me. It has been so exciting hearing from all the P3E pupils. Santa will really like to hear how helpful and kind you are in class, so I would love to put in a good word for you this Christmas. Merry Christmas Zoë, From Elfie x

    1. Wow! Aaron your snowman sounds very mischievous. I may have given him some tips back in the day, sorry! I hope he wasn’t too crazy when he was driving and he will return safely to you soon. Merry Christmas Aaron, From Elfie.

  4. Dear, Elfie what I would like for christmas is bunchums and pompom wow to.
    Wow Elfie how do you do all the letters?

    Have a good day elfie

    1. They sound like cool present ideas, I will see what Santa and the other elves can do for you. With all your hard work in class, Santa will be happy to try.

      When all the boys and girls and Teachers have gone home I have the whole place to myself. So that is when I am able write you letters 🙂 Merry Christmas Ellsi.

      From Elfie.

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